Late Nights

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Ship: Etho x Beef
Warning: None

I felt the frustration get to me as I was trying to figure out why my redstone hadn't worked that morning. It should've been okay and working, I even had some of the best redstone people look at it confused on why it hasn't worked. I had a pile of scrunched up notes from every stupid failed attempt. I straight up feel like a failure. I could feel my eyes stinging as I felt like crying. No sobbing. Others find redstone so easy, Etho finds it so easy and I can't even do a simple project. Now I'm going to just have to fully hire someone else to do child's work.

I reached over to a large book filled with redstone ideas made by his beloved Etho. I flipped through the pages one by one not understanding anything it said. I felt so much sorrow flood me as I just sat there being useless. I began to mumble “This is why I'm the dumb one in this relationship…” I heard footsteps enter the room as he finished his sentence. He sighed slightly. Then I just sat and pondered for a second just then I felt something warm touch the top of his head. I peered up from his chair to see my white haired friend grinning at me with tea in hand. He placed his drink on the desk I had been working on and just knelt by Beef. “You okay Beefers..? It's quite late love.” Ethos' voice was soothing to me, the slim male had a sad look in his eyes. “Etho… can I ask you something?” Etho just nodded in response as he placed his hand on my cheek before I pulled away slightly causing him to stare weakly. “Am I dumb..? Please be honest..” I felt nothing but dread fill me.

But just then Etho let out a slight whimper “You are the exact opposite, you are smart, endearing, charming, amazing and brave. You're the best Beefers.” I grinned in response , causing me to lean down and give the man I loved so much a soft kiss. “Goodnight beefers” He said walking off into the bed that was next to the desk. I pushed the chair back and followed the male to bed and as soon I did I felt the warm embrace of him latching onto me.

Hermitcraft/Empires OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon