The distance Between us

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Ship: Grian x Scar
Warning: Death is mentioned
Fluff/ends with Angst

Slowly walking down the wide roads of Scarland. Buildings scaping across the lands, bright pops of colour surround him. A large statue of the man he fell in love with and his cat. He grinned as he looked at it. Trees blossoming around them, flowers covering the grassy knolls. He felt peace as he sat on the edge of a flower bed closing his eyes taking in the gracefulness of the area.

As he sat there he heard a cheery voice call out to him. Looking over at the tall figure building a large smile “Hii Scar!” The short blonde boy said running up to him.
“Hey G! Do you like scarland so far?” He questioned as he looked down at the shorter male. “It's amazing Scar, it's so peaceful here.” Grian looked into the emerald green eyes of the Scar. They were gorgeous and it was the only thing Grian loved about his best friend.

Scar built a large smile hearing that someone actually likes it, because no one had really come over to see it. Even if anyone did, Grain's opinion was the most important thing to Scar. As Grian started to zone out of everything except Scar he started to reach up to pat scars fluffy head. Causing a slight giggle from the taller male. Scar Knelt down so Grian wouldn't have to stretch too much. They stayed like that for awhile until Scar spoke up,
“Are you having fun there, Grian?” He laughed a little as the shorter one got flustered jumping back.

“Oh uh, sorry Scar! I kinda zoned out..” He said as he felt his face melt from embarrassment. But Scar just laughed at the flustered boy. “Grian, your cute you know” Scar still knelt down placed one hand on Grians cheek. Grian just stared in shock before leaning into Scars hand smiling slightly. This time Scar was brushing his fingers through Grians golden strands of hair.

As Grian re-opened his eyes, he turned to tears. Still perched on the flower bed. He couldn't stop thinking about Scar… Even though he had died a year ago. His mind refused to accept him as dead.

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