The Tall Brunette

309 7 5

Ship: Grian x Scar
WC: 385
Warning: None

—3rd Person—

Grian's smile widened as he dashed from aisle to aisle, grabbing any food that caught his eye. His excitement grew as he saw the seemingly endless rows of tempting products. He felt a rush of exhilaration as he filled his cart with an abundant selection of snacks and meals. Grian couldn't help but feel grateful for this abundance of food and the freedom to choose whatever he desired. He knew he was lucky to have access to such a variety and planned to savor every bite.

Scar felt a knot forming in his stomach as he gazed at his cart, filled to the brim with goods. He knew he didn't have enough money to pay for everything, but he was reluctant to disappoint Grian. The thought of how to break the news to his friend made him bite his lip with anxiety. He couldn't bear the idea of letting Grian down, but he knew he had no choice but to tell him the truth.

“You having fun their Grian?” Scar laughed slightly as he walked behind Grian.

“Yep! I never knew stores were so cool” He squealed slightly, as he stopped walking to look up at the brunette.

“Well Grian stores are cool and have unlimited food, but we dont have unlimited money so… we may have to put somethings back.” Grians face dropped. A sad expression growing on his now dull face.

“But I like my stuff.” As Grian spoke he gripped onto Scars hand “Please Scar…”

Scars' face flushed with embarrassment. He couldn't ignore the adorable face in front of him, but it was wreaking havoc on his finances. Despite the cuteness, he couldn't continue to go into debt. He needed to set boundaries and make tough choices to prioritize his financial well-being, even if it meant saying no to the irresistibly cute face staring back at him.

“Sorry grian but you have to put it back.” Scar sighed slightly as Grian swiftly let go of his hand, beginning to place back items.

“You owe me now dummy.” Grian attempted to sound strict, but his attempt was futile as a giggle slipped through his words. He couldn't help but chuckle at his own unsuccessful efforts at being stern.

‘Okay then birdie”

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