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Ship: Etho x Bdubs
Warning: Mentions of Blood and Death

The moon looming through the window of the bedroom of Doc and I. I grinned at the tall male as I rested against his chest watching tv. It was a night routine of ours, it was one of the only moments in the day we got to just have each other. As I sat there I felt a sharp pain in the back of my throat. I began to cough and couldn't stop. I ran out of the bed and just laid on the tiled floors right next to the sink in the bathroom.

As I kept Coughing I slowly saw petals appear in my hand, then I saw a bright green figure step through the door and I pushed the petals behind my back so as not to worry him. “Hun, are you okay?” He looked concerned as he reached out to stroke my cold face. I felt chills make their way down my spine as he touched me. I just nodded slowly. He pulled me close, I don't know why but I didn't feel as happy as I normally would be seeing him. “Do you want me to sit with you Bdubs?” He questioned as he peered at me. His eyes were sincere. “Y-Yes, please stay Doc.” I rested my head on his shoulder just as I began to cough more. I weakly stood and coughed into the sink. Petals spilled out of my mouth, I could feel them all building up in my throat as I spit them all up again.

“Bdubs… do you not love me anymore?” Doc looked at him with much sorrow. “You have hanahaki..” I felt stone cold, I didn't know how to react. I had completely forgotten about that disease. But I don't understand, doc liked my back. He sat there and thought about his feelings and the petals he had been throwing up.


I had always loved Etho, more than anything or anyone. Peering over at doc who had his face cupped in his hands. I knew that he only liked Doc as a friend, and truly loved Etho and just never noticed it. I stumbled with his words before saying “E-Etho…” Doc smiled slightly as he looked over at the short figure. Tears formed from his eyes, “Bdubs I love you more than anything. But do you want me to go get Etho for you?”

I just sat there shaking my head. “I can't tell him anything, I can't ruin my friendship with him… but will you stay with me Doc?” Doc nodded, pulling him into a hug.

My mask laid on the ground blood stained. Petals piling up in front of me. Sometimes I even choked up a full flower. Often thorns would fall out of my mouth making my throat bleed. I sat there in a pool of my own blood. I didn't know why this was happening to me. What kind of disease have I caught…? I reached to my side, getting a weak grip on my communicator as I just scrolled through the chat to see all the shenanigans that were going on in the server. I grinned slightly because I went into another coughing fit, with each cough more and more petals came out. Many thorns falling along with them. I felt numb to the touch now, I felt numb to everything, even emotions.

I laid down lifelessly on my red stained bed. I felt like a corpse. I know I should call Xisuma but we recently got into an argument and I couldn't bear to see him again. I suddenly felt a stinging in my eyes. As I reached up slowly to touch my face I felt the water falling down my cheek. My eyes went blurry as I just sat up and stared at the blank wall.

I heard a knock on the door as I laid there. I pushed myself out of my bed and placed my mask on. All I could taste was the blood coating the fabric. I limped to the door. As I pulled it open I saw Xisuma. I looked at my feet as I didn't have the guts to look him eye-to-eye. “Etho… are you okay? You haven't been out of your house in a while..” He asked. He sounded genuine and concerned. I looked up at him. “I-I’m fine X” As soon as I could stumble that out of my mouth I felt like I was just punched in the gut. I fell to my knees from the pain. I began to cough a lot more than normal. I could feel the petals pile in my mask. The blood dripped down my chin.

I felt the cold hand of Xisuma unloop my mask  causing it to fall. All the petals fell in front of me. The blood is still dripping out of my mouth. “Etho, you have hanahaki. Who's the person..?” I just peered up confused. “W-What, I don't have hanahaki, I don't like anyone.” Xisuma knelt down next to me and rested his hand on my shoulder. His eyes drooped. “Etho, you can trust me. Who do you like?”

I sat there in despair not wanting to answer. But I knew X was right. I had hanahaki, I sighed slightly. “B-Bdubs” I looked down to cry at the thought of him, at the thought of him and Doc.  Xisuma's face dropped into a confusing expression. “Etho… you know bdubs and doc are a couple right..?” I nodded. “May as well let this stupid disease take me Xisuma.” I began to cry and took my face and dug them into my knees. X held out his hand and I took it. “We are going to Bdubs. Better off trying at least.” I stared at the man who just said, “But the rejection would also kill me…” I stared at him. “Would you rather live the rest of your life in pain knowing that you didn't even try. Or do you want to try and test your only chance or survival.” I knew he was right even though it kills me inside.

I gripped onto Etho as I flew us both to the house of bdubs and doc. As the mansion started to load into view. He grinned as he saw all the lights on, meaning they were probably awake. I landed softly on the ground making sure to help Etho to the door before giving it a knock. The heterochromic eyes pierced through my skin and I felt the stare fade away when the door was opened. Etho stared at the ground, visually nervous about the recent events. “Hey doc, I was wondering if we could see Bdubs” I said trying not to sound nervous. Really hoping Bdubs was home. “He's a bit ill at the moment, sorry X, you can come back another time tho…” He said this hurt voice pain shifting through his eyes as he stared at Etho. “It's urgent Doc, someone could die if we don't talk to him..” I didn't want to have to bring up death as a persuasive method but it felt important this time.

He just nodded allowing us in, then he guided us to Bdubs room. “Don't be too shocked when you see bdubs. He's in quite bad shape right now.” I took that information in as I pushed the door open. Petals were leeching onto Bdubs clothing. But why… he loved doc. Didn't he..?
“Hey bdoubleo… Etho has to talk to you..” I said softly. He just turned his head to look at Etho who had his hand over his mouth as he had forgotten his mask. I took a deep breath and stepped back.

–3rd Person–
Etho stepped closer to bdubs, as he perched up on his bed to look Etho in the eyes. Etho slowly slipped his hand away from his mouth showing his face for the first time. The shorter male just stared in shock, he stood himself up and reached out to brush his face.
“Bdubs… do you have hanahaki..?” The tall white-haired male asked softly. He just nodded in response, his eyes were duller than normal and it hurt Etho to see him like this. Yet he was still confused about how Bdubs had it, doc must have been faking that was the only reasonable explanation for it, right? “Bdoubleo, I.. I L-Like you. More than friends, I know you don't feel the same because Doc but I'd rather die knowing I at least tried.” Bdubs raised himself up to kiss Ethos' cheek. He grinned after. Whispering “I like you too dummy…”

As Doc watched he couldn't help but feel like crumble yet he still managed to smile for Bdubs and Etho. He was happy for the two of them. “Congrats buddy”

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