Cheng Qi Rang calmed down her, "You have enough enemies."

    "A lion doesn't care how many barking dogs are behind him."

   " The tone is so loud, is it because you have found a backer?" Cheng Qi Rang said suddenly, "Don't you just have Is it Xin Qi?"

    "Don't drag him in, he has nothing to do with you."

    "Whoever blocks my way has something to do with me."

   Cheng Qi Rang said flatly, "Tell him, Backoff. Otherwise I will destroy him.  I'll show you."

    After exiting the cafe and turning to a secluded corner, Min Hui immediately called Cao Mu and told her that Guan Chao intends to acquire Bai'an, and he is determined to win.

    "How are you talking with Dong Li?"

   Thinking that her project and team would be taken away by Cheng Qi Rang,  Min Hui was very anxious, and shouted into the phone, "I will not cooperate with Cheng Qi Rang! Cao Sister! If Guan Chao’s acquisition is successful, I will resign immediately. Even if I am waiting for work at home, I will not go to Guan Chao to work!”

    "You just came out of Starbucks, didn't you? I'll come find you right away!"

    Cao Mu said, "I'll see you at the tea restaurant on Zhongshan South Road. Order me a cup of acacia soy milk tea."

     Min Hui just took a sip of the milk tea when Cao Mu arrived. She walked in hurriedly, took off her windbreaker and threw it on the sofa next to her, and immediately said: "Fang Dongkui is quite sincere, he said that he will give us independent research and development rights, and also retain the form of a subsidiary company. As 'Dongli Bai'an'. In terms of treatment, it is on par with Dong Li's peers. I inquired about it, and the benefits in all aspects are much better than those from afar."

   Min Hui applauded happily: "That's great!"

    "I still have.  I don't know what He Hai Xiang's plan is, whether to go with us or stay at the headquarters. He is used to planning for a rainy day, and he will not fail to act at this juncture. So I haven't told him about Dong Li's contact with me. Fang Dongkui himself , He Hai Xiang is not interested, and if the acquisition is successful, he may not accept all the people in the management."

    Cao Mu continued.

    "The question now is: Can Dong Li do better than Guan Chao? If Guan Chao's bid is higher than Dong Li's, wouldn't we have a big dream? Another thing I find strange is that Cheng Qi Rang is your college classmate. You are also familiar. Your position is higher than mine, and your influence is greater than mine. Why didn’t he come to you when he wanted to buy Bai’an, but to me?”

      “Maybe it’s because I have a good relationship with his ex-girlfriend, which makes him a little Uncomfortable. My relationship with him is OK. We often met in meetings and talked with him. There is no conflict. GS1.0 was developed by you, and it is normal for him to come to you."

  The situation took a turn for the worse.

      Confused: "Then what should we do now?"

    "As far as I know, besides Guan Chao and Dong Li, there are other buyers who are interested and may be able to afford a high price. For example, Deep Blue Technology recently got a lot of wind Vote, they have a lot of money.”

    “So now, Bai’an’s future is uncertain?”

       “ I have a bold idea, and you reminded me of it.” Cao Mu paused, then continued, "A few of us can organize ourselves, find some venture capital and private equity, and bid in the name of the management team."

    "What?" Min Hui didn't understand.

    "That is, we go out to find money by ourselves, and then acquire Bai An through public bidding. If successful, there will be a freer operating environment, and we can keep our team, our projects and all our scientific research results to the maximum extent."

     "Such like this Is the acquisition feasible?"

    "It's called a management buyout, it's too common, okay? Anyway, the headquarters doesn't want us anymore. Whether we go to Dongli, Guanchao, or other companies, we will face restrictions and splits. In the final analysis, the fate of mergers, mergers, and rectifications is at the mercy of others. In order to win us over, buyers can say all kinds of sweet words, and they are not sure whether they will be honored in the end. We can’t just use a carrot as a mallet! It’s better to find a way to buy it yourself Come down and be the master of your own destiny. Don’t you suggest that I start a new one?”

   “  Okay! If you can find investment.” Min Hui nodded again and again, “I agree with both hands.”

    "We first need a five-person management.  If you are willing to join, there are two of them. Xu Guang Jian counts as one, and Yan Cheng Li should be able to speak. Who else is suitable for you?"

    Yan Cheng Li is the chief financial officer, and Xu Guang Jian is the sales
  director. It was recruited from the outside when Bai An was established, and has nothing to do with the headquarters. 

    Among them, Xu Guang Jian and Cao Mu are friendly, while Yan Cheng Li is more rigid, paying more attention to sticking to principles and maintaining neutrality in office politics. 

   At the beginning, everyone didn't like Yan Cheng Li very much, thinking that he was not kind, but gradually they knew that he was like this by nature, and he was meticulous about his work, so they all accepted him.

    Min Hui thought for a while and said, "Do you think our team can bypass He Hai Xiang?"

   Both Min Hui and Cao Mu don't like He Hai Xiang, but he has such a close relationship with the headquarters.

  If they secretly forms a management team behind his back, Sooner or later, he will be found out, and he will definitely become ashamed from anger, and maybe he will deliberately trip them up.

    "Bypassing can be bypassed, but I think it's okay to ask him. If he has decided to stay at the headquarters, let's ask, which is considered respect for him. If he is really interested and asks to join, based on his relationship with the headquarters Maybe they can reveal some key information to us, so that we can win this competition."

    "Sister Cao, what you said... I don't really understand,"

   Min Hui said honestly, "I just listen to you. Anyway, I am willing to participate."

   "That's okay, I will take action. First, go
 to Talk to Yan Cheng Li, Xu Guang Jian, and He Hai Xiang to see their attitudes. If they are all willing to join, the team will be formed. Then, I will find a consulting company to represent us in the transaction, including negotiation, signing, etc. Matters. After all, this process is very complicated, involving law, accounting, taxation... It is more reassuring to leave it to professionals." "

    "What about investment?"

    "I know the bosses of some investment companies and private equity companies, and banks have also contacted them. Have a look. If both Dong Li Group and Guan Chao International are interested, they should be very interested. I will visit with Yan Cheng Li at that time, and you need to prepare some presentations. If it really starts, every investment will ask for it. According to our materials and reports, we may do a few games in one day, and we will be very busy."

   " It's okay, I have prepared, and it's all in my head! You will leave the technical matters to me."

    "First It’s good to learn to be a CTO.”

     Cao Mu smiled, drank the milk tea in the cup, stretched out his hand and said, “Then, let’s do it!”

    Min Hui shook her hand vigorously, nodded: “Roll up your sleeves and do it! "

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