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Mon who has arrived in England with her family is having a serious discussion. Mon thought only her grandparents came with her. She didn't expect her cousin, Vivian, Agatha, Eleanor and Hendry's family will come too.

Her family also followed but did not live in the mansion. Only Mon and her brother live there. Mon forced her parents not to live with her grandparents.

Her parents just followed Mon's request. Mon can't live with her family because of her grandparents.

Tanawat also received the same fate as Mon. Their cousin Vivian, Christ, Agatha and Leo also the same with both of them. Since childhood, their lives have been under control, especially Mon.

"Mon, Tanawat, Vivian, Christ, Agatha and Leo. From now on, your grandfather and I will decide your future. Who do you all want to marry? What should you all do and more" said Kanya with a firm voice.

Hendry and his siblings just sat on the couch. Kanya and Zack trust them very much and love them more. Not only that, Eleanor also.

"I hope she dies today"said Agatha in a low voice. Mon could clearly hear what Agatha was saying. Mon pinched Agatha's hand making Agatha wince.


"Keep silent" said Mon firmly.

The six of them were still kneeling listening to the lecture given by Kanya and Zack.

"Mon!" shouted Kanya.

Mon raised her head.

"From today onwards, don't mention your illegitimate child. Forget about that child. Please pretend that child never existed. I will give you a break for a month. Grandma will tell you what to do later" Kanya looked at her very sharply.

They were given advice one by one. Mon lowered her head and shed tears. Agatha and Vivian secretly comforted her.

Tanawat can't do anything now. He had promised Mon before going to England.

"Listen here everyone! It doesn't matter if you are outside or inside the house, please don't remember that Mon has done disgusting things. I don't want the news about this to be spread outside, which will damage our family honour. One more thing, forget that illegitimate child whether you all accept the child or not in the family. Don't talk about that child anymore!" said Zack after his wife already gave some advice to their grandchildrens.

"All of you can go rest now. Sleep well" said Kanya.

Mon and her cousin went into their respective rooms. Some of their families stay at there.

Mon cried quietly until she fell asleep. Her heart ached when her grandmother told her to forget the baby.

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