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Mon's grandmother and the rest of her family except her parents and brother left Mon who was still kneeling on the floor. Her brother quickly carried Mon to the bed.

"Mon, can you punch grandma just now? If I were you, I would punch her. If it wasn't because I was detained by her workers, I would have kicked and punched her," said Tanawat with a furious look.

Mon is still sobbing. Her parents tried to calm her down.

"Mom, I don't want to be separated from my baby. She needs me and I need her too" Mon hugged her mother tightly.

"We can't do anything, Mon" her mother gently patted her on the back.

"Mon, tell me how you can conceive the baby" said her father after a long silence seeing Mon in a not so good condition.

Mon tells what happened from beginning to end. Her mother and father could only shake their heads. They couldn't blame their daughter because it wasn't her fault.

"Where is your baby? Mom wants to see"

Mon pressed the button emergency bedside her bed indicating that she wanted the nurse to come to her ward. The nurse came immediately and told Mon what she needed. Mon told her to take her baby to her ward.

"The baby has come!" said Mon's father in his loud voice. His wife then pinched his arm.

"Don't raise your voice. Babies don't like to hear loud voices," said his wife. She then carried the baby.

"The baby is cute and have white skin like you Mon. Is the baby a boy or a girl?"

Mon didn't listen to what her mother asked. She was still thinking about the incident. Tanawat patted her on the back a little hard.


"Mom asked you if it's a girl or a boy" Tanawat asked the question that his mother said earlier.


"Tanawat, try to hold your niece" said Cadence who supported the baby after being handed over by his wife.

"Dad, won't she cry later?" Tanawat hesitated to carry her.

"If you don't hit her, she won't cry"

Tanawat carried her. "She is small"said Tanawat whose hands were shaking holding his baby little sister.

"Mom, please take her. I'm afraid to hold a newborn baby" said Tanawat again.

"Give her to her mom" said Intira.

Tanawat gave the baby to Mon.

"Mon, does she have a name yet?" asked her father.

"Just call her baby for a while"

"What will you do after 2 days?" asked her mom with worried look.

"I will use my plan B for my daughter future and safety" said Mon.

One Night Stand With My CEO, SamWhere stories live. Discover now