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On the way to the company, Khun Sam smiled with satisfaction, finally she could start working on her important project without having to think about permission again.

"What's wrong with you?" asked Khun Sam, who saw Mon exhale harshly and her face looked red.

"I feel hot" Mon wanted to take off her shirt but stopped by Khun Sam with her right hand. Khun Sam glanced at her briefly before returning to driving again. She swallowed her saliva.

Mon usually wore loose shirts and knee-length skirts, she didn't expect Mon to have such a beautiful body.

"I'm feeling hot" Mon said lustfully.

"Oh my gosh!" Khun Sam hit the steering wheel. It turns out that this is what that old fat man had planned. Mr. Franz has the intention of sleeping with Mon, Khun Sam knew that Mon's drink had been given something that make Mon like this now.

"Tell me your home address, I'll send you home" Khun Sam asked, there was no way they would go back to the office and let Mon drive her own car like this condition. Khun Sam was furious when Mon did not answer her question.

"There is no other way, I have to bring her to the office" said Khun Sam seriously.

After a few minutes, they arrived company. Khun Sam carried Mon into her office. Khun Sam opened her secret room door and put Mon on the bed.

"I don't know what to do with you, Mon. I'll just wrap your body with a blanket" said Khun Sam. Khun Sam wrapped Mon's body with a blanket.

As she was about to leave, Mon threw the blanket on the floor.Khun Sam took the blanket lazily and placed it on Mon's body. Suddenly, Mon pulled her collar.

"Hey!" Khun Sam protested. Mon's hands were now behind Khun Sam's neck and their faces were now close. They kissed for a few minutes before Mon whispered something in Khun Sam's ear that made her lust.

"Come on, fuck me" whispered Mon. Khun Sam grinned and stood up from the bed.

"Don't blame me later. You asked for this" Khun Sam said and opened all their clothes and the clothes Mon was wearing.

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