Chapter Twenty-Two

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When me and Cas wake up the next morning, we lay in bed, running our hands over each other softly. "I'm so glad you're okay." Cas says quietly, the golden light of the sun flowing through the window and illuminating his right side. He looks like a Greek god.

"I'm glad you were there. I don't know what I would've done to him if you weren't." I say, frowning. I was out of my mind with anger and adrenaline, I could have killed him.

We lay in bed together for a while, until 10:52am exactly. We have to be out of the room by 11:00, so we get up and pack our stuff. When we're back in the car, I look in the mirror and see how awful I look. My lips are swollen, I have a black eye, the bruise on my cheekbone is back, there are cuts all over my face, and I look exhausted. We make the long trip back home, and as soon as we get into Cas' apartment and get Estelle, we curl up on the bed with the black kitten and fall into a peaceful sleep.

The next day, Cas has to go back to work. He puts on his uniform, me being able to stare at him for as long as I want, and he leaves that night at 5:45pm. I stay in the apartment with Estelle scrolling through twitter, texting Sam, asking Maria how the honeymoon is going, and eventually falling asleep on the couch.

I wake up as Cas walks through the doors and the sunrise is pouring pink light through the window. He lays down with me silently and we cuddle on the couch for a long time. He falls asleep after about an hour and I fall back asleep with him. We wake up to a loud ringing from Cas' phone. He groans, not moving from where we're cuddling, and pulls his phone out of his pocket.

He keeps his eyes shut through the conversation, picking up the phone with a firm "Officer Novak." and I smile. He's so cute.

He talks on the phone for five minutes before the conversation's over. "Cops in Texas asking about John." He explains, sighing into my chest. We haven't talked much since it happened and I'm starting to get worried. Did the thing with John mess with Cas' feelings for me?

"Are we okay?" I ask, looking down at the sleepy cop on my chest. He looks up, confused. "We haven't said much to each other since Texas. Did the whole John thing make you realize how fucked up I am?" I ask, tears coming to my eyes.

"Dean, you are not fucked up. He is. You just mean so much to me and I've been trying to sort out these feelings and it's just a lot. On top of that, I'm just so exhausted and I had a hard time at work last night." Cas says, moving his hands up to my face. He leans in and kisses me slowly, my eyes closing on instinct. I can't describe how sad this kiss was. It was like he was grieving something, but I have no idea what.

The kiss starts to heat up and this time, I don't stop it. I have imagined this for almost a month and a half and I can't find the hesitation inside of me.

We get off the couch at some point, him still kissing me passionately and we make it into his bedroom, him laying me down on the bed softly. He's so gentle with me, like I'm some valuable thing that can't afford to be cracked.

We move together slowly, relishing in the bliss of our movements. With every thrust of him, I cry out, pathetically. I just want all of him all of the time everywhere.

We rocked into each other with caution. We're still so new and we don't want to overstep, but we want each other and it's obvious. We cry out at the same time and it's all over. Way too fast. I wish it could have lasted for forever.

We lay there, exhaustedly cuddling together. Cas smiles into my skin and kisses my chest, making me grin and blush. He's perfect.

"I can't imagine my life without you." Cas whispers, pressing kisses into my skin again. I hum in content as I feel his soft lips on my body. It's so comforting to have him like this. It makes all of my problems fade into nothing.

"I can't either, Cas." I admit, pressing a kiss to the top of his hair. He smiles and moves up to my neck, kissing it all over. He moves from my collarbone up to my Adam's apple, then to the skin right below my ear. He nips at my ear and I chuckle, pressing his head into my neck harder.

"Have I ever told you how much I love this right here?" Cas asks me, moving his hand along my collarbone.
I shake my head in response.

"What about here?" Cas asks, moving to my shoulders littered with freckles and a farmer's tan.

I nod, he likes to talk about my freckles.

"And here?" Cas asks, kissing across my cheeks softly, making me want to kiss him on the lips again.

I nod and he smiles widely.
"What about here?" He asks, reaching his hand down to my thigh.

I shake my head again. He pays attention to that spot a lot, but he's never said anything about it.

"Well, I do." Cas says, moving down the bed and kissing my thighs. I get butterflies in my stomach as soon as his lips hit my thigh. He kisses and occasionally bites it before moving to the other thigh.

Soon, he's moved away from my thighs and he grabs my waist, "What about here?" He asks, moving his lips across my left side, kissing and dragging his tongue along my skin.

I nod and he nods as well.

"And here. I'm sure I've told you about here." He says and I groan as he grips me, nodding quickly.

Everything is like a dream. It's all over as quickly as it started and I miss his lips and his body on mine. His touch is something worth holding onto.
We lay in bed, my head on his chest this time. He tilts my head up and kisses me softly, the sweat from our foreheads mixing together to make one salty trail on our faces.

When we pull back, I stare into his eyes. They look more blue than usual and it's gorgeous. They look more like the sky on a clear winter day. He's absolutely perfect.

"Cas..." I start. I don't know what I'm going to say, but I'm going to let myself say it. I'm not wasting any time now that I'm happy and healthy. There's no guarantee that will last.

"Yes, Dean?" Cas asks, softly, his voice barely over a whisper.

"I-" I start. "I think I love you." I let myself say and my eyes go wide at the confession.

Cas smiles down at me, running his hand through my sweat-filled hair. "I love you too, baby." Cas says and I smile widely, hugging him with all my strength.

Suddenly, I get chilly and despite my sweat-stained body, Cas pulls the covers up over us. I lean in and kiss him, my hands on his lower back. "Cas, tell me this is real. Tell me this isn't all just in my head." I say. This is too good to be true, so it can't be right?

"Of course it's all in your head, Dean." Cas says and my heart drops. What? "But why should that mean it isn't real?" Cas asks and my vision fades to black.

The Police Officer and The Addict // destiel AU Where stories live. Discover now