Chapter Thirteen.

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When I wake up, I'm confused. I don't know where I am, there's light shining into my eyes, and my arms are wrapped around someone. Dammit I have to stop doing that.

I roll over, taking my arms away from Cas and look around. We're at the hotel... Why are me and Cas in the same bed? I survey the room and realize why. It's a room with only one bed. Fuck. I have to stay here for two weeks with Cas. How am I supposed to deal with this? Cas rolls over, still breathing evenly, obviously still asleep. He pulls me down, nuzzling his face into my neck. I can feel his warm breath on my skin and I shiver.

I hesitantly wrap an arm around him and hold him in his sleep. I smile down at him and grab my phone, scrolling through some missed texts. I respond to a question Sam texted me, asking "What's your ETA?"

I respond that I'm in the room and that we should get food when Cas wakes up. Sam agrees and I scroll through twitter for a while, Cas stirring in his sleep. He seems to have some issues when it comes to a peaceful sleep. I'm going to ask him about that.

When he jumps away, scared, I keep my arm wrapped around him and I try to wrap my other one around him. "Cas, it's okay. It's me." I say, pulling his head into my chest. He breathes hard and I ask, "What was that? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Cas says, groaning and leaning the both of us back down onto the bed. "I have a sleeping disorder. I have these bad night terrors and I can never stay asleep long. That's the longest I've gone without waking up in a while though." Cas says, pressing his head harder into my chest.

"I'm sorry, Cas." I say, bringing the blanket over our shoulders. This stupid hotel's heating must be broken because it's freezing. He stays in my arms, breathing softly until I realize what time it is. "Sam wants to meet us for lunch." I say, trying to retract my arms from around him, but he groans, pulling me back.

I laugh and he pulls back, blushing. "Sorry, I get like this when I'm tired." He says, pulling back.

I smile and nod, "It's okay, Cas. It's kind of adorable." I say, blushing too. I want to hint to him that I'm into him to see his reaction. I hope it's the one I want, but if not, then I'll get out of his apartment and remain friends. He's helped me through so much and I want him to stay in my life.

He smiles at me and hugs me again, pressing his face into my shoulder. "What's this for?" I ask, laughing as I wrap my arms around Cas again.
He smiles and presses a small kiss to my shoulder. Why'd he do that? Does he like me? What's happening? "I'm just so proud of you." He says, bringing me out of my thoughts. I smile and nod, Cas pulling back from the hug. We both get ready slowly to go eat with Sam. I really like waking up with him, especially if he's like this every morning.

Maybe he likes me too. I really hope so. We get in the car and drove 15 minutes to the diner that Sam texted me. It's nice to be back home, but I'm still glad I moved away. We pulled into the parking lot and I spot Sam's old, rusty, blue truck. I smile as I walk into the diner, Cas walking behind me. It's obvious he's never been here before.
When Sam sees me and Cas, he smiles widely, standing up and walking over to me for a hug. I hug him quickly and he pulls back saying, "You look good Dean."

I reply with a smile, "I am good." I turn to Cas and grab his hand, pulling forward. "This is him." I say to Sam, smiling. Sam looks down at our hands that are still linked and I blush, pulling my hand out of his. His hand lingers for a time before he puts it back down at his side.

"Hey, I'm Sam, but I'm sure you know that." Sam laughs, sitting down and motioning for me and Cas to sit too.

"Yes, I do. I've heard great things about you. I'm Cas and I'm sure you know that too." Cas smiles, reaching his hand across the table to shake Sam's. I laugh at his formality, but Sam shakes his hand professionally.

"So, Dean tells me you're a cop." Sam starts, obviously trying to make small talk.

"Yes, I'm a cop in Boston, it's very action filled there to say the least. And you're a lawyer, right?" Cas says, looking down to see my leg bouncing. I'm super nervous for them to meet. I want them to like each other, but I don't know if they will.

"Yeah, a defense lawyer, I work all over the country but mainly in the south. I've been to Boston some times for work though." Sam says, frowning at me.

My leg starts to shake rapidly and Cas looks at me with a worried look in his eyes. He knows that when I get anxious I feel like I should get high.

Cas says, "That's super cool. Have you been to California? That's where I'm from." But as he's asking Sam this, he slides his hand onto my leg. I look at him with wide eyes as he listens intently to Sam's story of him in California not long ago.

I can't hear anything that they're saying, I'm just staring at Cas' side profile, wondering why he'd do this. My leg isn't shaking anymore, but my hands are. He's helping, but also making me nervous. Sam looks at me questioningly as he looks down at Cas' arm. It's obvious that he's reached for my thigh, and Sam smiles.

"So, I know you two have been living together for a little bit now. Are y'all dating yet?" Sam asks and I blush brightly.

"No." I say simply, making Cas giggle at my blushing.

"Why not?" Sam asks and then I see Cas blush too. Maybe there isn't a reason as to why we're not together.

The Police Officer and The Addict // destiel AU Where stories live. Discover now