Chapter Nineteen.

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The next morning when we woke, Cas laid still in my arms while I told him every part of him that I think is beautiful. I mention every single thing that I have thought about in the past month or so since he's taken me in, and everything I say, he has an answer for.

"Your arms, they're always perfect. It's like they're inviting me into a hug"

"I workout my arms more than anything."

"Your lips are so soft and pink I want to kiss them all the time."

"I have good genes, take after my mother."

"Your body is beautiful."

"I always make sure to eat right."

"Dammit Cas!" I laugh and he looks at me questioningly. "Just take a compliment please!" I say, smiling widely.

He blushes and smiles as well, "I like hearing you talk, so I kept you talking."  Cas says and I smile too, this is unreal.

"Shut up," I laugh, burying my face into his bare chest. He's so warm and he looks gorgeous under the sunlight that's pouring into the bedroom.

"What time do we have to be there for the sendoff?" Cas asks me after a minute of us cuddling silently.

"9:30." I reply, hoping it's not close to that time so I don't have to leave Cas' arms.

"Shit! It's 9:00, we have to go like now!" Cas says, hopping up from the bed. I sigh while admiring him rushing around the hotel room, grabbing his clothes out of his bag, then getting dressed and forgetting his toothbrush, so he rushes back, fussing at me to get ready.

I get up, still relishing in the thought of me and Cas being together now and I grab my clothes out of the suitcase. Cas is in the bathroom, so I decide to just change in the main room, hoping he doesn't come out. Or maybe I hope he does... I don't know.

I lay out my clothes on the bed and I start to take off my pj pants when Cas busts into the room. "Sorry! Forgot my deodorant!" He says, seeing me basically flashing him. I blush and continue, taking off my pants, sliding my boxers on, then my khaki pants. I walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth and see Cas getting ready quickly.
"Cas, I promise that we'll make it in time, calm down." I say, looking at myself in the mirror. I sigh as I see my reflection. There's a dark bruise forming on my face from John yesterday. Shit.

I lean closer to the mirror and run my fingers along the bruise, noticing a few little blood vessels that were broken. It's not pretty.

Cas comes up behind me, trying to comb his hair when he sees me inspecting my face. He stops what he's doing and grabs my shoulders, turning me to face him. "Dean." He says, running his fingers along the bruise. It's right on my cheekbone with a tiny slit across my cheek where dad's ring probably hit it.

"It's fine." I say, turning back to the sink. His hands fall off of my shoulders and he frowns. He hugs me around my waist and presses our bodies together.

"I have some concealer." Cas admits, blushing. I look back at him confused, why does he have makeup? "I didn't think I'd be able to sleep much on the trip, so I got some for my undereyes, but I don't think that's the case now. I could cover it up some if you want me to." Cas says, making eye contact with me through the mirror.

"Will it match my skin?" I ask and Cas nods. I've never thought about hiding the bruises with makeup before because I knew dad would just beat me more for it. He thinks makeup is a chick thing.

"I bought it a shade too dark for me accidentally, it should match you." Cas says. "I can do it on the way there so we can make it there in time." He adds and I nod, him kissing my shoulder and he walks back into the bedroom to finish up getting ready.

I avoid looking at my face in the mirror and I brush my teeth, put on deodorant, and try to tame my hair. It doesn't really work, though.

When I walk out of the bathroom I see that it's only 9:10 and we still have time. I slip on a flannel, buttoning it up quickly, and then socks and my boots. Cas looks at me and smiles, he's wearing some black skinny jeans and a sweatshirt and he looks adorable.

I grab my cowboy hat and we leave the hotel room, Cas bringing a little makeup bag with him. Once we get in the car, he gets to work, dabbing on the concealer and evening it out with a little foam thing... I don't know what it's called, I don't do makeup.

We don't speak much in the car, but I do glance over every once in a while to see Cas focusing hard, biting his lip as he blends out the makeup. As we pull into the driveway to Maria and Gabriel's house, Cas brushes off some powdery shit and it gets all over my front seat.

"What the hell is that and please tell me it'll come off my seats." I say, trying not to get worked up over this, my car is my baby, and since Sam has returned it to me, I have made sure to take good care of it.

"It's just powder so the makeup looks more normal, a paper towel will get it off your seats, don't worry." He says. I nod and pull down my visor, looking at my cheek in the mirror, it looks perfectly fine. No bruise, no cut, just a little indent where the cut is, but you can only tell if you're looking for it.

"It looks like nothing ever happened." I say, ghosting my fingers over my cheekbone.

"The beauty of makeup." Cas says, pressing a kiss to my cheek and then opening his door and getting out as another car arrives behind us.

I follow closely, linking my hand with his once we meet in the front of the car. He smiles as we walk into Maria and Gabe's house, seeing decorations and big "Congrats" signs with some presents they didn't open last night. Soon, Maria comes down the stairs with a suitcase and Gabe follows with about four more.

Bobby comes around the corner with the rest of the family that Maria's close with and asks, "Making the man carry your bags, good girl." He winks, laughing as Maria laughs.

"Actually, those are all his." She says and everyone laughs, Gabe having a defensive expression fall over his face.

"What?! I have to be prepared." Gabe retorts, making Cas laugh the loudest.

"Of course you do, Gabriel. You always have." Cas says, making Gabe smile.
After a few minutes of everyone helping them load their bags into an uber, Maria and Gabe go around hugging everyone, saying 'goodbye's and 'thank you's.

When they're officially off for their honeymoon, Bobby asks us if we want to stay for a while, but my stomach growls loudly. It's already 10:20 and I haven't eaten breakfast yet, so I decline, saying that me and Cas are going to go to The Roadhouse Diner if he wants to join.

Bobby agrees and we drive off to the diner, mine and Cas' hands never leaving each other.

The Police Officer and The Addict // destiel AU Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora