Chapter Eighteen.

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"Cas!" I yell, covering myself up with my pj pants. "Cas get out I'm getting dressed!" I say, wondering why he's in here in the first place. I just fucking kissed him. He won't want to talk to me.

"Why'd you kiss me?" Cas asks simply, coming close to me.

My cheeks burn hot and I can feel my whole body getting red. "I-I didn't mean to..." I admit, stuttering. I want to feel his lips on mine again, but he won't like that, so I don't do anything about it.

"Just impulsive? I don't think so. Why, Dean?" Cas asks again, eyebrow raising while stepping closer to me again. I step back towards the sink and my a-s hits it, me stuttering nervously.

I can't answer. I can't admit it. He'd hate me for it. He's been the only friend I've had in five years other than my dealers.

"Dean, I'm not mad. I just want to know why." Cas says, sighing. He looks down and sees me completely naked with my pj pants in front of the important bits.

I blush as he looks at me and he just whispers "god."

He starts to lift his hands, and I have no idea what he's going to do with them. Suddenly, his hands make contact with my bare hips and I shiver at the touch. "Why'd you kiss me?" He asks softly, inches away from my lips.

"Because I wanted to." I admit, my voice not rising above a whisper.

"Good," Cas says, pushing my body back against the sink behind me. He softly moves a hand up my chest up to my neck, and slides it around the back of my neck, gripping the short hair there, softly pulling me towards him.
This can't be happening. He likes me? He wants to kiss me? This is everything I have ever dreamt of.

Slowly, Cas presses his lips to mine, one hand staying at the pj pants, but the other I rest on Cas' cheek. I smile widely into the kiss and it's just as magical as I thought it would be. His lips are chapped but soft, he's so relaxed, he's holding me in just the right way. He's perfect.

Cas kisses me deeper, getting more passionate and I forget about the fact that I'm naked. I move my other hand up to wrap my arms around his neck, the pj pants dropping without care with a plop on the floor.

Cas smiles and his thumb runs in circles on the back of my neck. This is absolutely amazing. He's so soft. So caring.

Cas pulls back after what feels like forever but it was also way too soon, and opens his eyes slowly. I smile widely at him and ask, "You like me?"

"Of course I do, Dean. You're everything I look for in a person. You know just about everything about me, and you're comfortable around me." Cas says, still holding me close.
He looks down and blushes, looking back up at my eyes. "Dean," He starts and I hum, still smiling. "You're... um." He says, nodding down, but not looking. I look down and realize that I dropped my pjs.

I scramble to bend down and pull them on while Cas avoids looking at me. "That's embarrassing." I say, blushing darkly. Cas laughs and takes my hand when I stand back up. He leads me into the bedroom and lays down on the bed, pulling me with him.

"I didn't know you liked me like that." Cas says, tracing my –newly defined– abs.

"Of course I do." I say, smiling at him. He looks up from my stomach and smiles back, pressing a quick kiss to my chest.

I cannot believe that this is real. We kissed. He likes me. "What does this mean for us?" Cas asks and I smile widely, pulling him up to where his head is on my shoulder. I look over at him and kiss his forehead.

"What do you want it to mean?" I ask and he smiles widely, pressing a kiss to my lips again. His lips are so soft against mine and I can't imagine ever losing that contact.

"I want you to be mine." Cas whispers, lips ghosting over mine as he slowly separates us.

"I'm all yours, then." I say, smiling widely.

Cas smiles as he rests his head against my chest, "You should shower before you fall asleep." I whisper, kissing the top of his head. It's like we've been together for ages already.

Cas nods, kissing my chest one last time before he stands up and walks into the bathroom. I watch him walk away, for the first time, shamelessly.
When Cas returned from his shower, he laid down in bed again with me, just in his boxers. I smile as he curls up to me, obviously tired. "Dean?" Cas says softly, on the verge of falling asleep.

"Yes, Cas?" I reply, my fingers going into his hair, stroking it gently. He hums in content and smiles.

"I think there was a reason I was the one to respond to the call that night. Do you believe in fate?" He asks me and this takes me by surprise. I don't like to think about that night much, and he knows that.

"I don't know, Cas. I do believe there was a reason though for you to be the one cop in all of Boston to treat me like a human." I admit, my stomach dropping. I hate thinking about my past. It wasn't long ago, but it already pains me.

"It's what I wanted to be treated like when I was struggling with my addiction. The only person who ever did, though, was JD." Cas admits and I immediately feel bad.

"What was he like?" I ask, I hope he's okay with talking about it. Since we're together now (wow) I have so many questions I want to ask him.

"He was very thoughtful, generous, and he always helped people in need. Once, he took in a homeless kid and ended up getting robbed of over $500.00 and he begged me not to report it. He said that if the kid went through that much just for some money, he could have it." Cas says, scooting up in the bed, both of us turning on our sides to look at each other.

"He sounds great, Cas. I'm so sorry for what happened to him." I say, sadly looking into Cas' eyes. The moonlight is the only light pouring into the room right now, and it makes all of his features look softer. His eyes are a soft blue, not the bright baby blue that I adore so much, his skin is a pale tan with blue shadows on it from his shoulders, and he just looks so much younger than he normally does.

"Fate is funny like that. I truly believe that that's why JD died so early on in his life. I needed to be put through some tough things before I moved to Boston, I needed that experience to become the person I am now. It hurts like hell and I miss him every day, but I think that's how things were supposed to be." Cas smiles, reaching his right hand up to my cheek. I lean into the touch, his hands are so warm and soft, covering the whole side of my face. "I think that fate is what led me to you, Dean." He says, a yawn punctuating his sentence.

"Maybe so." I say simply. I don't want to think that the only reason me and Cas are together now is because of his husband dying. That's awfully sad, but if that's what happened, then that's what happened. "Are you tired, angel?" I ask, surprising both of us with the pet name.

"A little." He says, yawning again and obviously struggling to keep his eyes open.

I laugh quietly, bringing his hand down from my face and locking our fingers together. "Get some sleep. We can talk more tomorrow if you want to, but we have to be up early for Maria and Gabriel's honeymoon sendoff." I say, kissing his nose. He nods, not saying anything else as he falls asleep, his hand still holding mine, just not as tight.

I don't go to sleep for a while. I lay there, staring at Castiel's face, appreciating everything that brought us together, however hard it may have been.

His eyes move under his eyelids as he dreams and I wonder what he's thinking. I had no idea before today that he likes me. It makes sense though, he's been really touchy with me lately, but I couldn't tell if that was just me reaching or not.

Cas' lips twitch into a small smile, his eyes crinkling in his sleep and I kiss his cheek that was bulging upwards. "Goodnight, Castiel." I say, smiling to myself. Soon, I'm taken away into my dreams, subconsciously pulling Cas into my arms and hugging him like my life depends on it.

The Police Officer and The Addict // destiel AU Where stories live. Discover now