Chapter Eight.

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I change back into my normal clothes and walk back into Cas' room to see him looking at his phone. I sneak up behind him and he's staring at a picture of me inspecting myself in a mirror in the suit.

"S-Sorry!" Cas says, noticing me and setting his phone down, face down.

"So, like the suit, huh?" I tease, smiling. Cas blushes deeply and nods, his eyes not daring to meet mine. "I would love to wear it to the wedding, Cas, but it's so expensive and nice... I don't want to ruin it." I explain, sitting down on the bed with him, setting the suit down on the bed.

"Dean, I don't care if you get something on it. You have to wear that. You look..." Cas says, picking up his phone and showing me the picture.

"I will say that suit does my ass justice." I say seeing Cas nod quickly and look down at his phone, avoiding eye contact. "I'll tell you what." I say, maybe this'll work. "I'll wear the suit if you come with me to the wedding. It doesn't have to be a date, but I know Sammy really wants to meet you. I called him yesterday and he told me I should bring you." I speak. I really hope he agrees.

"Where's the wedding?" Cas asks. This is where we may have a problem.

"Well... It's in Texas... I know you have to work and that's far, but you don't have to stay the full time I'm there. Plus, it'll be nice for me to prove to my family that I finally found someone who cares enough to help me through my addiction." I admit, truly hoping he will come for at least the wedding itself.

"I'll see what I can do." He says and I smile brightly, pulling him into a hug. He laughs a little as I hug him. I really hope he can go.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!!" I say into his neck. He laughs some more, and I smile, really wanting to press my lips against his perfect skin.

Cas pulls us apart and we just kind of look at each other for a minute, staring into each other's eyes. Fuck, I really have fallen for him.

"I-I'm gonna go grab a shower." Cas stutters and I smile, watching him as he walks away. This has gotten out of hand. I can't have a crush on a cop... I am - was - an addict who was in jail every other day. That would never work out.

I keep trying to convince myself that it's not a crush, but then I see his phone on the bed. Ha, he left it. I turn it on and see a plain old default Apple background and have an idea. I guess his password easily. He really needs to change it, I mean 4444... anyone can guess that.

I go to his photos, and I see the picture of me in the suit. He already has it in his "Favorites" album. I look through his favorited photos and see a lot of books and quotes, but one picture catches my eye. A tiny black kitten with bright blue eyes. It's adorable, and it's a recent picture... Cas doesn't have a cat. Is he going to get one? Because that little kitten is so cute.

I hear the shower go off and look at the time on Cas' phone. Shit, it's been twenty minutes. I quickly think of something funny I could do, so I go to the picture of me in the suit and I set it as his lock screen. He probably doesn't even know how to change it back.

When he walks out of the bathroom with his towel loosely wrapped around his waist, I'm watching TV, laid back on his bed. I look at him and immediately get thoughts I should not have. Ever. He looks amazing. Abs like nobody's business, a beautiful v-line with a tattoo I've never noticed written in a different, ancient looking language on his hip. "S-sorry." I mutter, getting up from the bed, ignoring Cas' smirk as I leave his room.

A few minutes later, I'm back in the living area watching the same show I was in Cas' room. He walks out and looks at me sternly. "Dean." he says in a very deep voice. And no. I definitely did not get slightly turned on at the sound of his voice.

"Yeah?" I ask, pausing the TV. I look up at him and he's staring at me with his phone pointed at me, showing me his lock screen. "Wow, he's hot." I comment, laughing at how irritated he is.

"How'd you even get into my phone?" Cas asks and I shrug.

"Your password isn't all that hard to guess." I say, grabbing his phone and putting it in again, going to the picture of the cat. "Are you getting him? He's so cute?" I ask, handing the phone back to Cas.

"Change my background back." He says, ignoring the question.

"Are you getting the cat?" I ask again, smiling. Maybe he'll answer me if I just keep asking.

"Maybe. I wanted to talk to you about her first, in case you didn't want to be around her or you're allergic." Cas says, sitting on the couch beside me, giving up on telling me to change his background.

"I'm not allergic and I've never had a pet before... I know she wouldn't be mine, but you know..." I shrug. I'm not going to just come out and say this, but I really want that cute little kitten running around here.

"Then, I'll call the lady and tell her I'm in." He says smiling widely. God if he's going to be this cute when he's around the cat I won't be able to take it.

The Police Officer and The Addict // destiel AU Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang