Chapter Eleven.

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The next twelveish hours of the car ride were pretty uneventful. Music, snacks, laughing at random shit we saw on the side of the road. It was better than I expected though.

We pull into a gas station, needing gas again, and I get out to go to the bathroom. Cas walks in as I'm washing my hands and yawns. "Do you want me to drive for a while?" I ask, looking into the mirror, back at him.

"Sure. Thank you." Cas says, looking over his shoulder at me. I smile and nod. I haven't driven in a while, but I never got my license suspended, so I should be okay once I get the hang of it again.

I walk out of the bathroom, grabbing a coffee from the machines. Cas walks out, wiping his hands on his shirt, "You took the last paper towel." He says, tiredly flicking the water in my face. I smile and wipe my face, paying for two coffees. Cas will probably be asleep as soon as he hits the seat of the car.

We walk to the car and he gets in, plopping down. He shuts his eyes immediately and I have to make something clear, "Cas, just a warning, I haven't driven in over five years." I say, nervously putting the car in drive.

"I can do it if you don't want to yet. You don't have to." He says, opening his eyes and stopping me before I put my foot on the gas.

"It's okay. It just may take me a minute to get the hang of it again. Especially because your car is shit." I say, laughing. I press the gas and the car jerks before I steadily press. "Sorry." I say, embarrassed.

"You're fine." Cas says, pointing me in the direction of the highway. There's about 16 hours left, so he needs to get some sleep.

When I get on the highway safely, I think I've got the hang of driving again. He shuts his eyes and falls asleep quickly, his head falling on my shoulder. I smile, glancing down at him as I turn the music up, listening to "Apocylapse" by Cigaretts After Sex.

About two hours later, we're stuck in traffic. Bumper to bumper, great. I look around me and see a beautiful blue lake, reminding me of something, but I can't tell what. A loud car honks and Cas jumps awake. He looks over at me and I'm still staring out his window. He looks over to see the lake and smiles widely.

"Wow." He says, looking back at me. "It's beautiful." He smiles. "How long was I out?" He asks and I check the time.

"About two hours." I say, turning down the music. "Been stuck in traffic for like 45 minutes." I say, sighing and looking into Cas' eyes. That. That's what the blue lake reminds me of. His eyes.

"Y'know, the lake is the same color as your eyes." I say, smiling at him.
Cas blushes and smiles at me. I smile back and Cas points towards the road, we're finally moving again. It's now the middle of the night, but if we stop for sleep, we probably won't make it in time for the wedding.

I drive for another 5 hours, we're already 19 hours into the trip, and I'm starting to get bored again. "Wanna play the license plate game?" I ask and Cas sits up, looking up from his book.

"Sure, how do you play?" Cas asks and my jaw drops.

"You've never played?" I ask, going on to explaining how to play the game. He doesn't see the point in it, but I ask him to humor me.

About two hours into conversation and randomly blurting out states, he asks me, "How did you get started on drugs? You don't seem like the type to just spontaneously become addicted."
I sigh, debating on whether or not to answer the question honestly. I decide I will.

The Police Officer and The Addict // destiel AU Where stories live. Discover now