Chapter Fifteen.

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As we arrive at the wedding, I explain to Cas that this is Maria and her fiance's farm house. They have two or three houses around the country, but this is their main one. He nods, obviously on edge.

"What's wrong?" I ask as we park the car, looking around at all the guests.

"I just really want your family to like me." Cas says, looking over at me with worry on his face.

"Cas, calm down, they will love you. You've saved my life more times than I can count and they will be so thankful that you're in my life now." I say, honestly. My family will love him no matter what. Especially if they know how much I do too.

"I hope so..." Cas says, opening his door. I do the same and walk to the front of the car, waiting for Cas. He takes a deep breath and walks towards me, grabbing my hand when we meet. I'm instantly confused until he looks at me and says, "Just humor me. I need to calm down."

I nod as we walk to the house. It's huge with its doors wide open, letting guests in. We walk through the doors and are met with tons of people running around, yelling chaotically. "What's going on?" I ask Bobby, him looking down at mine and Cas' hands instantly.

"We can't find either of them." Bobby says, wiping sweat from his forehead. What? How do you lose the Bride and the Groom?

"Bobby, they're probably just off shagging somewhere. They'll show." I say, tightening my grip on Cas' hand when I feel his loosen. He grabs mine back, assuring me that everything's going to be fine when I say, "Bobby, this is Cas. Cas this is Bobby, my uncle I told you about."

"It's great to meet you, boy." Bobby says, holding out his hand to shake Cas'. Cas lets go of my hand and shakes Bobby's.

"It's nice to meet you too, sir. I've heard a lot about you." Cas says formally, making me smile.

"Hopefully good things." Bobby laughs, taking his hand from Cas' and grabbing another of my cousins, saying something to her. She nods and turns to me smiling.

"Yes Sir, all good things. Dean's very fond of you." Cas says, making me smile. Bobby nods, motioning that he'll be back later. We nod and find a place to sit down. We end up outside where the wedding should be happening now. It's quiet out here and the breeze feels good. I kick off my shoes and set my feet  up on another chair. Suddenly, my hand feels really cold. Cas' isn't there anymore.

I look up at him and he's admiring the scene. "Looks like a movie, huh?" I ask, trying to talk above the silence.

"It really does." Cas says, looking around happily. He seems so calm. Suddenly, the doors at the back of the house burst open and Bobby comes out quickly.

"Dean, your dad just got here. Might wanna put your shoes on and act like you wanna see him." He says, looking back at the house. I can see my dad's head through the window and my stomach drops.

"Will you stall him for a minute? Let me gather my thoughts so I don't go off on him." I ask, Bobby nodding. He walks back into the house and I see my dad's head turn to him and then out the window, looking directly at me.
"Shit." I say, pulling on my shoes quickly. Cas tries to grab my hand to calm me down, but I can feel my dad's cold eyes on me. "Cas, don't." I warn. He pulls his hand back sadly and stands up with me. "No, you stay here. I don't want him to lash out at you." I say, pushing him back down into his seat.

"Dean, I'm a cop. I can deal with assholes all day if I need to. I don't want him lashing out at you either, please let me come with you." Cas says and I nod nervously. If my dad tries anything I'm not holding back.

We walk into the house together, Cas keeping his hands to himself. I guess that's kind of my fault, but I wish he'd try to hold my hand.

"Dean." My dad says as soon as me and Cas walk into the doors.

"Dad." I respond, my posture immediately becoming straight and stiff.

"How've you been?" He asks me with no emotion in his voice. I cringe. What does he want?

"Good actually, clean. Cas, here, helped me with that." I say, smiling. Cas steps forward and reaches his hand out to shake my dad's. Dad doesn't move an inch.

"Finally got yourself together? Got a girlfriend yet?" He asks me and my face goes red.

"No sir." I say politely. "I'm only about a month clean..." I add.

"So what? Girls were always after you as a teenager. Just find one and have some kids." He says and I look at Cas and he's shocked. I nod my head and say a quiet 'yes sir.' before I turn on my heels, trying to walk back outside. He grabs me by my shoulder and gets so close to my face that I can smell the alcohol and tobacco on his breath. I hate it.

I back away, pulling against his strength, but he warns me with a look. "You left that fag shit behind, didn't you? Cas ain't your boytoy is he?" He says, a mean look on his face.

"No sir, he's just a friend." I say, my voice shaking. When I came out to him, he didn't take it well at all. He beat me until he thought he 'beat out the fag.' It obviously didn't work, I just haven't told him about any of my relationships since.

"Good," He says, releasing my arm and letting me go this time. I speed walk outside and take a deep breath once the cool air hits my face, easing my brain.
"Dean?" Cas says from behind me. He's obviously worried about the interaction he just witnessed.

"M'fine." I say, taking a deep breath and letting it out shakily. I grab my hands and fidget with them aimlessly as Cas walks up to me.

"No, you're not." Cas says, pulling me into a hug. I turn in his arms and wrap mine around him tightly. He breathes softly into my neck as his hands run along my back. I feel tears threatening to spill out of my eyes, so I bury my face in his chest, ignoring the fact that I can feel my dad staring at us through the window.

I pull back from the hug, keeping my hands on him. He looks at me thoughtfully and smiles sadly at me.

"That was the best case scenario." I admit, sitting down, my fingers tangling themselves with Cas'.

"He's an asshole." Cas says simply, making me nod. I didn't want him to have to witness that, but he insisted. Plus it went better than I thought it would, so it's okay.

The Police Officer and The Addict // destiel AU Where stories live. Discover now