While I cooked the eggs I let them make their cards and set up the tray to deliver to Azy. Plating the food I found the tray covered in flowers and cards along with stickers from Arthur and an action figure from Ryker.

I set the food on the tray and carried it while they ran ahead. Following them I could see the excitement about to burst through. At the door they held up the shishing sign with giggles. Counting down from three we rushed into the room with a surprise.

Azy woke up about halfway with a confused look and bed head. The boys jumped onto the bed and onto her, waking her up fully. She laughed and scooped them up in a bear hug.

"Happy birthday!" The boys shout in unison, laughing and squealing as she thrashes them around.

"Birthday? You remembered my birthday?!" She chuckled and kissed their faces, tickling them ruthlessly.

"Stop! Stop!" Arhtur wriggles his way out of her clutches, crawling to me quickly. Getting closer I sit on the side of the bed and place the tray in her lap.

"Aw, this is so nice. Thank you." She hugs and thanks the boys before kissing me briefly.

"I made the eggs!" Arthur held his hand up with a confident smile.

"Yeah, yeah, and I made the pancakes!" Ryker copied him with a similar smile.

"You two are just so sweet. I could eat you up." She jumps at them but they laugh and back away, calling her a scary monster.

I watch on with joy, the docile life I had always dreamed of feeling very much like a dream. She grabs the cards and reads them out, smiling and crying a little at how cute they are.

"Look, mine has a superhero." Ryker points at his card, showing her the drawing he made inside of it.

"Mine has a wolf." Arthur cuddles up close to her and shows the picture he drew. She praises them and cherishes the cards.

"Alright, let her eat. Go get ready you two." They obey and run off to get dressed and ready for the day.

An arm slinks around my waist and pulls me In, Az pulls me close to cuddle with her as she continues to look over the cards.

"Thank you my love." She kisses my temple and squeezes me a little tighter in the embrace.

"There's more to come. Don't think this is all." She smirks and wiggles her brows at me. Moving the tray to the side and she pulls me into her lap quickly.

"I hope it's what I'm thinking." She presses kisses to my neck as her hands glide across my side and to my hips.

"Maybe." Wrapping my arms around her shoulders I pull her close and seal a kiss. She hums into the kiss and grips my hips tighter, groaning when I roll them into hers.

"I love my birthday." She groans into the kiss. Pulling back a bit I move my kisses to her neck, making sure to leave a proper mark.

"I can tell." I could feel her bulge pressing into me as I rolled my hips. She whimpered when I tangled my hands into her hair and tugged.

"We're ready!" Knocks and shouts came from the other side of the door and stopped our fun. I laughed and got off her while she whined and threw herself back.

"You'll live, now eat your food." She grumbled but started to dig in with a frustrated expression.

"Yes Ma'am."

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