Chapter One.

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This is going to suck.

I have to stay with my parents for two weeks after not seeing them for years because my cousin, Maria, is getting married in Texas. All they know about me is what they see on tv: mugshots, arrests, drug charges, and me messing with random people all while plastered. 

Yeah, that's me. Dean Winchester. The local, Boston druggie/drunk. I feel like shit that my life has turned out this bad. I have no friends, the only reason I'm not in jail right now is because my brother Sam became a defense lawyer, my family doesn't speak to me very often, and I can't stop using. My drugs of choice are alcohol, weed, and heroin, and I can't get off them long enough to clean myself up even though I want to. 

Currently, I'm in some random park in Massachusetts, high off my ass and downing a whole bottle of Jack Daniel's. This is seriously a problem and I know it no matter how wasted I get. 

I see the familiar blue and white lights as I finish the bottle and toss it aside. I can't see too well, but I can see a male cop walking towards me. "Dean, you know better. Have you not learned your lesson?" The man says in a deep, husky voice. I know which cop this is immediately. My favorite one. 

"Castiel, right?" I hiccup, grabbing Cas' arm and standing up, almost tripping multiple times on the way to the car. 

"Yes, Dean. What have you taken?" Cas asks, sitting me in the passenger side of his unit, keeping the door open to talk. He's the only one who does this. The rest of the cops at Cas' station just throw me in the back seat haphazardly, not worrying about my health at all. 

"Just the us'al. Plus, that bottle of JD's." I slur out, pointing back to where I think I came from, and closing my eyes and realizing how shitty this is. It's always with Cas that I feel this. The high getting ruined by emotions, the drunk making me nauseous. Fuck, I'm gonna spew. 

I shove Cas out of the way, and he seems slightly scared that I'm going to hurt him, and slightly worried for my health or that I'm going to run. I throw up my whole stomach, leaving me sitting there, Cas' hand on my back, dry heaving while sobbing. When the fuck did I start to cry. 

"Dean, what's wrong?" Cas asks, squatting down in front of me while avoiding my vomit on the pavement. 

"Nothing, fuck." I say, embarrassingly pushing the heels of my hands to my eyes, stopping the tears. I'm still audibly sobbing though. Cas stands up, moves my legs in the car, and shuts the door. 

Cas walks around the car and gets in the driver's seat. "Dean, I need to take you to the hospital. I don't want you to overdose again." Cas says, putting the car in drive and turning off the lights and sirens.

I've overdosed once. Cas wasn't there and he would have immediately taken me to the ER to make sure I was okay, but this dude didn't. He treated me like a garbage bag on the side of the street. Threw me in the back of his shitty cop car, didn't listen to me when I said I was going to throw up, beat me half to death once I did throw up, and threw me into a holding cell to 'sober up.' Little did he know I hadn't eaten anything that day and was developing signs of an overdose. 

When the guards changed out, a new guy came in and I tried to tell him I wasn't okay, but nothing came out of my mouth. Eventually, they noticed me seizing and rushed me to the hospital where I was treated for an overdose. It was awful. 

The next thing I know, I'm being held up by Cas' arms and dragged into a hospital ER. I stand up, still holding onto the cop, but showing him I'm not completely fu-ked. "Cas 'm fine. Just take me int'" –another hiccup– "the station." I muttered, the whole emergency room being so loud and chaotic it's hard to bear. 

"No, I'm getting you checked out." Cas says, walking me over to a nurse's station and telling her something. She nods and someone grabs a bed to put me on. Everything's moving so fast and it's so loud, I have no idea what's going on. 

"Cas," I mutter, hearing a heart monitor beeping rapidly. I feel my forehead and I'm sweating like crazy. 

"You're just getting some fluids. You threw up everything you've eaten or drank, and the drugs are trying to override your organs. You'll be fine, just try to relax." Cas says, setting a hand on my shoulder and turning away, saying something to the nurse. 

Everything's so fast. I had an IV put in my arm, fluids pouring into my veins, and now it's gone and me and Cas are walking out of the ER. "What?" I ask, sitting in Cas' car, hands over my head. I'm starting to get the worst headache of my life. 

"You'll be fine. Where do you live?" Cas asks and I immediately feel embarrassed. "What?" Cas asks, stopping the car in the middle of the parking lot of the hospital. 

"The park as of tonight." I say, ashamed. I haven't had an actual home in years, I've just been hopping around from place to place, wherever has the best drugs. 

"No, absolutely not." Cas says, pushing the gas and driving in the opposite way of the park and the station. 

"Where're we goin'?" I mutter, half asleep. I probably was close to overdosing, but I couldn't care less. What's the point of being alive if life is this shitty? 

"My place. You're going to stay for as long as you need in order for you to get clean." Cas says, looking over at me suspiciously. "Do you want to get clean, Dean?" He asks me, making me think about that myself.

The Police Officer and The Addict // destiel AU Where stories live. Discover now