"Understandable." Zhou Ru Ji put his hands in his pockets, lowered his head and thought for a while and asked, "Then you... plan to get married?"

    Marry? Min Hui thought, can Su Tian pass this hurdle? She is lucky not to break her head. So she shook her head: "No plan. The child was an accident, my fault."

    When she said this, her tone was soft, and her face was flushed.

    Zhou Ru Ji stared for a long time, then suddenly smiled and said: "You like him, don't you?"

    Min Hui nodded generously: "Yes."

    "It seems that I have to ask him to play golf often."


    "Help you "

    "No need! You should take good care of Zi Zhu."

    After four years of husband and wife, Min Hui is still not used to talking about feelings with surgeons, they are too sharp, "Speaking of Zi Zhu, she recently How about it?"

    "It's okay, she can't stay at home on sick leave. With her current physical strength, she can't be a professional dancer. She want to open a dance school, and she is thinking about it at home."

    "Alright, I have hot meals when I go home   . have eaten."

    The WeChat message on the mobile phone was vibrating non-stop. Min Hui didn't dare to talk too much, so she rushed to the company and rushed into the office to reply 30 important emails, and then held two regular meetings. 

   In order to save her image, she actively spoke at the meeting, talked eloquently, and found a sense of presence for herself. She didn't expect to be called into the office by He Hai Xiang's assistant as soon as the meeting was over.

    "Min Hui, why are you free to come to work today?" He Hai Xiang asked sullenly.

    "The child is being taken care of, so I came here quickly."

    "Did you attend the reception at the Zijin Club?" He Hai Xiang changed the topic.

    Hell, Min Hui's heart skipped a beat and she nodded uneasily.

    "I heard that you made a lot of limelight and directly put yourself on the headlines of the industry headlines. "


    "Min Hui, Min Hui, you are also the research and development director of Bai'an Hi-Tech, can you show some face?" 

    He Hai Xiang couldn't help sarcasm, "What unfinished business between you and Cheng Qi Rang can be settled in private? Did you know that two VPs also went to the headquarters yesterday? Last week I praised you in front of them, but this week you made such a big fool... Do you have any basic moral concepts?"

  "I'm sorry, Mr. He, I lost my composure.  At that time, I drank too much. "

    "You didn't stay in the hospital to take care of your son, why did you go crazy at the reception? If you have the energy to take a good look at the project, okay?"

    "Mr. He, one size fits one size. I have caught all the projects that I am in charge of, and I have not missed a single deadline. "

    "Still stubborn! What is Deadline? It's the deadline, and you have to wait until the last second? Can't it be earlier? "

    "You are quite right, I will reflect on this matter. "

   Min Hui was spitting on her face. If she was in normal times, she would argue hard. Thinking that her performance last night really damaged the company's image, she decided to bow her head and plead guilty. "I have already notified the finance department, and you will be detained for three months bonus."

    As soon as Min Hui heard that the money would be deducted, she quit: "Mr. He, the reception didn't happen during working hours, so it can't be deducted like this?" 

    "Why not working hours? There is a dues, do you know? The membership fee is paid by the company, do I need to see the receipt? "

    "Okay. "

    " You must be present at the product test of the R&D department tonight, so don't slip away. "


    "Go ahead." 

    Min Hui walked out of He Hai Xiang's office disheartened, saw Cao Mu passing by with a pile of documents, and was dragged into the office by her before she understood what was going on.

    "What's the gossip about last night?"

    Cao Mu looked at her with a grin. "I'm confused. You and Cheng Qi Rang turned the fight into friendship? Are you enemies or friends?"

"Enemy," Min Hui gritted her teeth,"
" Enemy!"

    "Rumors are flying all over the sky, don't you want to clarify?"

    "No. I just drank too much. I only care about Su Quan's health now, and the rest don't matter to me."

As soon as the words came out, Min Hui  feel surprised. If this kind of thing happened in the past, she would be so angry that she couldn't sleep for days and nights, and felt that she couldn't see people, but now...

    Cao Mu winked at her: "I heard that a white knight appeared at the scene? To protect you , the VP of the Bluebird Group peeled shrimp for you personally?"

     "     Bluebird Group?"

     "Xia, you don’t even know who he is?” Cao Mu looked at her in bewilderment, “You should know each other, right?”

  "  He never introduced himself to me.” Min Hui took a deep breath, “You know him? "

 "   I've met him once, he's quite famous in the investment world."

    "Bluebird Group, I'm a bit familiar..."

     Min Hui felt that she must have heard this name somewhere, but she couldn't remember it when she thought about it carefully.

    "It's a foreign company headquartered in New York, referred to as BBG. Bluebird started out in the retail industry. The CEO is Eric Brown, who is Xin Qi's eldest brother. Isn't the retail industry in a downturn a few years ago, and Bluebird also fell into a slump. Fortunately, , Back then, Bluebird bought a lot of land to build a shopping mall, all of which were prime locations in the city center. Now the land price is skyrocketing, and Bluebird can either rent it out or sell it, and it makes a lot of money on this one. If you have cash in hand, start Investment. Ethan is the person in charge of the Asia-Pacific region. In recent years, he has focused on investing in mainland China, focusing on telecommunications media, healthcare, technology and business services.

    He is also interested in medical AI. He invested in the A round of Dong Cheng Technology.

B round of Jing Medical also approached him, and I heard that they have gotten very close to Guan Chao International and Dong Li Group recently, and I don’t know what kind of cooperation they are discussing..."

     Min Hui was calm on the surface, secretly startled: "When you meet, the main thing  is What were we talking about?"

    "I can't remember, but I probably talked about the economic situation."

    Cao Mu said, "He majored in finance as an undergraduate, and worked at Goldman Sachs for two years after graduation. After that, he joined the Bluebird Group. I heard that he made a lot of money for Bluebird, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. The momentum in the past two years has surpassed the North American headquarters. His elder brother didn’t care about him and let him go. "

    Min Hui still wanted to ask more questions, and felt that the intention of inquiring was too obvious, and she didn't want to draw Su Quan out at this time, so she changed the subject: "By the way, I heard a gossip that the performance of our headquarters is not good. We plan to sell some subsidiaries, and we, Bai An, won’t be among them, right?”

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