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This time when I'm sent to therapy, I talk instead of defiantly staying silent. The time zone difference from France to the United States makes it a little rough, but it's important. I want to deal with what happened to me because I can't ignore it anymore. I don't know if I even want to hide from it because all it was doing was keeping me in the past that I want to move forward from.

With the birth of the twins and the backlash from the interview Kiera gave, the media was relentless. It didn't matter that Henry and Mirabelle were at their house and I was at my parents', the opportunity for a paycheck from a single photo featuring any of us was too great.

It proceeded to get worse when my parents filed a lawsuit against Kiera and the media channel that allowed her to broadcast information about sensitive events occurring while I was a minor regardless of my age now.

By the time Thanksgiving rolled around, the twins' and Javi had their passports and everyone flew to France for a much needed break. Mirabelle and Henry had officially received legal guardianship of Javi until the adoption went through so there were thankfully no issues regarding him coming.

Thirteen flew into France at the beginning of the week, but by the end of it, only six went back.

I could breathe so much easier without feeling jumpy the entire time I was out of the house. Mirabelle was desperate to shelter her kids as much as she could, especially Javi since it came out that Mira and Henry were adopting him. There are enough crazy people out there that once something is public record, they'll find it in seconds.

Henry had previously decided that he was going to take leave from the Panthers to help out with the babies, so there was no rush for him to get back. Kaitlyn stayed because she wanted to be near the kids, but because she was still determined to find herself during the gap year. Where better than in Europe where you can take a train and find yourself in another country the same day?

I don't know how I'm ever supposed to want to go back, but maybe by the time Christmas is over in a couple of days, I'll be ready to rejoin society and everything that comes with it.

JJ had invited Marley's parents to come stay with us and I was a little surprised he would willingly put them in the same room as our parents, especially knowing how they get around the holidays. Actually how they are all the time, but who knows? Maybe they'll be on their best behavior.

Kaitlyn shifts in my arms, her soft hair tickling my neck. "What time is it?" She mumbles and I look at the window to see how much light is coming in.

"It's early. Go back to sleep." I comb a hand through her dark hair as she sighs, inhaling deeply.

"What if I don't want to?"

"Well I guess you don't have to go back to sleep. I'm just saying that the demons aren't screaming yet so there's still time for some peace and quiet."

Kait lifts her her head immediately as I stifle a laugh, knowing that's exactly how she'll react to my nickname for the devil children. "You did not just refer to our adorable niece and nephew as demons."

"I absolutely did because that's what they are: demons." I raise an eyebrow at her, daring her to argue with me on it.

"But they're so cute." She argues because that's really the only argument there is to make. Kait isn't wrong; they are extremely cute.

"But they scream so loudly, all the time unless Henry is holding them." I point out. I don't know what the hell kind of spell he placed on those kids, but he is the only one out of us that can get them to stop screaming and crying immediately. It's infuriating to everyone, but most of all to Mirabelle. Clem and Theo also have opposing sleep schedules, and it's rare for them to both be asleep at the same time. This seems to be one of those rare moments.

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