35: bailey: now

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It was a long week of Hunter avoiding me and sneaking off to find ways to be with Kait where I didn't how I felt for her or vice versa.

It was strange how familiar the lack of resources was for Javi and I, able to make do with very little while everyone else grumbled about not being able to shower every day and complaining about eating ravioli from a can without warming it up. When it comes to being hungry, you stop giving a shit about whether the food is warm or not. Javi was excited to show off how you can use only a single baby wipe to clean yourself, and I didn't miss the way everyone froze.

When we were on the streets, I tried to make a game out of the really shitty parts to try and protect Javi. Everything I've done from the moment I met him was to protect him. In a way, protecting Javi helped me protect myself. He saved my life.

After the rain stopped and the water receded back into the lake, Hunter and I worked at clearing the driveway of major debris so it wasn't blocked when Henry drove in.

He must have been on one of the first flights allowed into the area, and he hasn't left Mirabelle's side since getting back.

Based on the way my mother is squeezing me tightly, I don't know when I'll be left alone either. "I'm so glad you're all okay." Mom says, somehow managing to apply more force into her hug.

"Mom, you're going to crack my ribs if you keep squeezing tighter." I choke out, wondering how the hell she can squeeze so tightly for how much small than me she is.

She relaxes her hold slightly enough to let me breathe a little deeper. "I just can't believe that a fucking hurricane decides to show up right as we fly to California! What are the fucking odds," She mutters under her breath as Dad clasps me on the shoulder, drawing my attention to him.

"Lia, let the boy go before you strangle him." He says and she surprisingly does, following up with a short smack on his bicep.

"Don't tell me what to do."

"I wouldn't dream of it." Dad laughs and then pulls me into a short hug. "I wonder if she realizes that this is hurricane season and that tends to have higher odds of hurricanes forming."

I can't help my own laugh that has Mom staring daggers at Dad, her super hearing having caught his teasing. "Keep laughing. See where it gets you buddy."

He turns to shake his head at her while I can feel Kaitlyn's eyes on me from where she stands by Henry, and the faintest of smiles forms on my face.

"We should just be happy that everyone is okay." Dad says, directing my attention back to him.

"Does that mean-" Mirabelle starts to say and Henry frowns.

"No. That does not mean I'm cancelling the doctor that's driving out."

"Wait, why is a doctor coming out?" Mom asks, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. "What are you not telling me?"

"Us. What are you not telling us?" Dad corrects earning him a side eye from Mom as Mirabelle's cheeks flush.

"I um-I cut my hand and I fainted. I'm fine though. I spent the week on bed rest while the twins and Kaitlyn took care of everything around here. Henry is overreacting by hiring a concierge doctor." She says, giving her own side eye to Henry.

He shrugs, "I'm okay with you thinking that."

Javi was upstairs taking a nap, but that doesn't appear to be the case as he walks into the room, rubbing his eyes. He blinks, caught off guard by all of the people standing in the room. "Am I still dreaming or are the lights really back on?"

Mirabelle laughs softly and ruffles his hair. "They're back on."

"Does that mean I can take a shower?" He asks, his eyes lighting up in a way that makes me want to laugh. I hope he never grows out of getting excited over the little things.

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