Author's Note

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Hi everyone! 

Welcome to the third installment of the Reckless Love series. As I know many of you have long awaited the story to come, I promise you're finally going to get some answers. 

A couple of clarifications just to follow the timeline:

1. Bailey, Hunter, and Kaitlyn are 18 in this story. Mirabelle is 23, Henry is 28, JJ is 21, and Marley is 20. Lastly, Javi is five. 

2. If you have not read Little Do You Know and Almost, some things might make more sense if you do, however it is not required. It is CRUCIAL to read Chasing After You and Before You to understand what is going on at this point. 

3. Lastly, families are not perfect. The Walker's certainly are not and they make mistakes. Sebastian and Thalia have quick tempers, but they are parents that love their children with all of them. A lot has happened to get to this point. No one is perfect. Please remember that while reading this story. 

I hope you enjoy this story as much as I'm going to enjoy writing this one! I have plenty of tricks up my sleeve that I still haven't revealed. Don't worry...or maybe do (;

Happy reading!

xoxo laurea

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