34: kaitlyn | now

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It feels like the rain is never going to stop. It's a constant roaring thunder that eventually drowns out into the background until a piece of debris slams into the house, reminding us that this isn't a normal storm.

It's been a full day of this. I'm starting to go stir-crazy.

Henry was able to get a call through to me after he talked to a doctor about Mirabelle falling and they want her on bed rest until she can get to a doctor. Unfortunately we don't really know when that is going to be since I have no doubt that everything has either already flooded or will be in the next few hours.

Javi is sitting on the bed with her playing uno after Bailey suggested doing that. Hunter is taking a nap on the other side of the room, wanting to stay close to Mira incase anything happens, while Bailey is flipping through a mystery book next to me. I'm reading—or at least trying to read—a book that I found on Mira's shelves that seemed interesting enough to hold my attention.

Currently I have no idea what is going on because I keep letting my mind drift to how it felt to kiss Bailey. My heart felt light. It was as easy as breathing to me and it makes sense in a way that my fifteen-year-old brain wasn't able to understand.

It almost doesn't feel like it happened.

Except I know that it did because I can still feel the desire that his kiss held as they bruised my lips. Desire for me.

"Careful," Bailey murmurs softly, "I'd hate for Javi to see us making babies again."

A giggle slips out of my mouth before I can stop it causing Mirabelle to look over at us, her flashlight momentarily blinding me. "Everything okay over there?"

"Yep," I say quickly and Bailey chuckles next to me. "Just something funny in my book." Oh god, please don't ask me anything about this book because I definitely will not be able to tell you a single thing.

"You'll have to let me know how that one is. I haven't had a chance to read it." She says and I nod as if I have any clue to what's going on in the book. Can't recall the name of it either so I hope she knows what it is.

"Really good, you should get to it soon."

Mira seems satisfied with this answer and returns to her game after Javi tugs at her blanket.

"So please enlighten me as to what is so funny in your book?" Bailey asks, setting his down on the ground next to him, clicking his flashlight off to let the lantern in front of us provide the light.

"You're mean." I grumble, tempted to stick my tongue out at him. "I am reading my book."

"Oh, so who is the main character?" He asks, an eyebrow raised and I know in that moment that he's read this book.

"I wasn't reading it." I admit, tempted to drop my head back and groan.

"That's what I thought."

I can hear the smug smile in his voice and it makes me want to shove him over. It's frustratingly annoying, but it also makes me want to smile. This is Bailey. It's only a shadow of a memory of who he used to be before everything happened, but it's refreshing. I don't expect him to be who he was then, but it's nice to see him lessen some of the burden on his shoulders.

"Come with me," I whisper, standing up.

Predictably, Mirabelle's flashlight swings my way again. "Where are you going?" She asks as Bailey rises behind me.

"I'm going to go grab some more games, but I need Bailey's help grabbing the ones from the top shelf." I don't miss how she smiles at the fact I conveniently need his help despite the fact we already have a couple games in here and both of us are doing something entirely else.

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