37: bailey: now

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I'm going to be honest.

I was a lot more focused on surfing when I wasn't allowed to stare outright at Kaitlyn's curves because my brain has reverted to it's natural state of strictly thinking about attracted I am to her. Now, I can't help but admire how fucking stunning she is.

Kaitlyn tilts her head at me, a bemused look crossing her features. "Why are you staring at me? Do I have seaweed in my hair or something?"

"I'm staring at you because I like looking at you." I answer honestly, refusing to mince my words. "Incase I haven't told you recently, I think you're beautiful."

Her cheeks flush and she rolls her eyes. "Gross."

I can't help but bark out a short laugh, "Gross? Me calling you beautiful is gross?"

"I'm sorry, I don't know the appropriate response to 'I think you're beautiful'. Saying thank you just seems self-centered but I don't want to say oh you too because while I do think you're beautiful, I don't want to damage your masculinity. So I said it was gross."

"Personally, I like to think that my masculinity is solid enough that being called beautiful will not damage it. I could channel some of JJ's energy and tell you that I already know I'm beautiful." I say, shifting forward on my board to paddle closer to her.

Kaitlyn laughs, "Well you certainly have a cute butt. Now why don't you go show it off and finally ride a wave without falling." She playfully splashes me with water.

"What if I'd like to show you my butt somewhere instead?" I cringe immediately after it comes out of my mouth, wishing I'd come up with something different before speaking. "Wait, I can come up with something better."

Instead of laughing at my pathetic attempt to flirt, she pulls my board right next to hers and kisses me. Her lips curve into a smile against mine. "I hope you never change. I'd love to see your butt if you want."

I slide my hand through her tangled hair to the curve on the back of her neck to pull her closer to me. "You can see my butt anytime Sunshine."

"I think we could take advantage of the fact that Javi is at my brother's and maybe watch a movie without actually watching a movie?" Kaitlyn asks and I don't think I've ever heard a better idea.

"Race you inside. Winner gets whatever they want?" I propose and she grins.

It takes Kaitlyn half a second to push me off my board, sending me into the cold water with a splash. When I poke my head up above the water to grab for my board, Kaitlyn is over halfway to shore.

Goddamn, I think I might love her.

As I swim in, I think about Javi and if I should call to check in on him or not. It's the first night in a really long time that we'll be apart.

I'm helping Javi pack for his first sleepover at Mirabelle and Henry's by himself. He doesn't actually need my help, but he seemed kind of nervous about it, almost like he needs to know that I'm okay with him going.

It's a big night for everyone.

Mira and Henry are going to wait and see how tonight goes, but their plan is to talk to Javi in the morning about adoption.

I'm going to try and talk to my parents. I want to explain more about how I ended up at Kiera's, but my plan is to never speak of what happens after that time ever again.

Until tonight, my plans are to spend time with Kaitlyn and forget about everything except her.

"Do you think I packed enough stuff?" Javi asks, blinking up at me with his large brown eyes hopefully. I ruffle his dark hair and pretend like his bag weighs so much I struggle to lift it.

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