39: kaitlyn | now

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I keep stealing looks at Bailey in the waiting area. He's talking quietly with Luna, Javi perched on his lap as he speaks animatedly to Luna. I can't deny that it causes jealousy to spike in me at how familiar they all are together. It's obvious that Javi knows Luna.

I've been playing through the conversation at the Walker's over and over again in my head.

I didn't react to any of it because I didn't know how to. It felt like if I did anything or reacted that it would take away from Bailey; I didn't want to do that. I didn't want to make the moment about us or about me.

It was about Bailey.

The only reason I looked at my phone is because I had ignored the million calls Henry made, trying to get ahold of me since no one else was answering theirs. He sent me five different texts in all caps telling me that Mirabelle was in labor and that we had to get to the hospital.

Now in addition to replaying this afternoons events, I'm rethinking every moment, wondering if I could have made Bailey uncomfortable. All the times that I hugged him, how I kept asking about his scar, and the one that haunts me most of all is when I kissed him and he froze.

Consent goes both ways.

Sebastian has been calling their lawyers since we got here while Thalia is in the room with Henry and Mira. No one knows how long it's going to be until the twins are born so we're all just waiting.

Henry walks down the hallway, his eyes bright with excitement. "Are they here?" I ask, wiping my sweaty hands on my palms as I stand up. Sebastian quickly hangs up the phone, moving closer to hear the update.

"No, it still might be a couple hours, but they said she's progressing along nicely." He says, his proud smile faltering when he sees Bailey. "You okay?"

Bailey shrugs, his gaze shifting to look at me briefly. "I will be. Congratulations."

I need to talk to him. I have to let Bailey know that the things he's been through and done don't change anything for me.

Henry looks almost like he wants to argue and ask more, but instead he stuffs his hands into his pockets. "Thanks man. I have to get back there or Mira will kill me before I even get to see the babies. I'll try to pop out again soon with another update."

Sebastian claps him on the shoulder, "Your parents should be here soon. I had our jet sent to New York to get them." They went there a couple days ago to interview candidates for a new manager to run 704's gallery there. We all thought there would be more time before Mirabelle went into labor, but apparently everything has to be done in dramatic fashion.

Mom texted me not too long ago saying that they were doing their best to get back in time.

"Great, thanks Bash." Henry says, flashing a smile at him before heading back to the delivery room.

I'm going to talk to Bailey. I'm his girlfriend—I mean at least I think I am—and I want to talk to him alone. Like without Luna who I have never heard of before today.

Fuck I really hate that I'm jealous of her. I don't want to be this person who is upset that he has an ex-girlfriend that he's still really comfortable with. She was there for him when none of us were and that's something I'll never be able to change.

I stand up before I lose my nerve and Bailey immediately focuses at me. Luna looks at me, appearing to be analyzing me which I'm guessing means that she has heard of me. Javi grins at me, having no idea about anything that has transpired today. I ruffle his hair as he swats at my hand.

"Kait? Is everything okay?" Bailey asks, watching me carefully.

Luna stands up immediately, grabbing Javi's hand to pull him along. "C'mon little man, why don't we go find some ice cream?" She winks at me, offering me a smile as she walks by.

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