33: bailey | past

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"You realize there's no reason for me to actually be doing this." I point out, lifting my head from the stupid homework Luna has me doing with her. I don't know why after four months I keep doing the assignments with her, but I feel like it's still somewhat important for me to continue with some form of academics.

"You realize that no one is making you do this," Luna replies back easily without looking up at me.

"She has a point," Ryan chimes in and I roll my eyes.

"I have a point too."

He looks at me, his blue eyes crinkled in suspicion. "Which is?"

Well shit, I actually didn't have a point. "I don't have to tell you."

"So what you mean to say is that you don't have a point," Luna says.

"You know you don't know everything about me," I say, leaning back in my chair to cross my arms.

"I didn't say that I did. I just said you you don't actually have a point."

Ryan groans, "Oh my god you two are annoying. Can we just shut up and do our homework? I have a tournament this weekend and need to finalize the details of my argument."

A door slams from upstairs before I can argue that he could very easily just go to his room if he wanted peace and quiet, but he hasn't yet so therefore he doesn't actually want us to shut up. Heavy footsteps fall down the stairs before the slam of a front door follows.

It's enough to make all of us fall quiet.

Luna however decides to break the awkward silence.

"They've been fighting a lot lately." Luna says, setting her pen down. She refuses to do her homework in anything other than pen because if she makes a mistake, she's going to own it. It's the same way she is with her words. If Luna was ever to have her voice dictated, her words would sink into the page, staining it in ink.

I don't know what to say. If I'm being honest, I don't think Ryan does either. She's not done dropping bombs though.

"Honestly, this might make me a terrible daughter, but at this point, I wish they'd just separate or divorce. It'd be better than listening to them yell and then see Dad leave all the time." Luna's face twists after saying this, almost like she can't believe it came out of her mouth. But she doesn't take it back. I admire her for it.

She does get up from the table and walk straight out the patio door to the backyard. Ryan drags his hands over his face, "Wow."

"Do you think she's okay?" I ask, shifting in my seat.

"Would you be?"

Well I'm not really sure if that's a question for me to answer considering my parents don't even know where I am and I haven't spoken to them in months. "You should go check on her."

"I think she'd prefer if it were you." He says bluntly, catching me off guard.

"You're her brother," I stammer, "I'm just her half-brother's half-brother. Most likely the reason that your parents are fighting in the first place."

"Bailey, you're her friend. Believe it or not, she doesn't have many of those. I really think Lu could use a friend instead of her older brother, but maybe that's just me." Ryan stares at me with the same look that scares me.

I blink, caught off guard. I think I've just gotten so used to everyone always needing someone else that the idea of someone actually needing me is...surprising. I guess I just wasn't expecting it.

He resumes his homework and I turn to look at the back door. Wherever Luna is, she can't be seen from where I'm sitting. Ryan's focus on his homework tells me that he really isn't going to go out there.

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