I charged in and the monster's skin then started to boil, or at least that was what it looked like.

"GET AWAY!" The elf yelled with all his strength.

I quickly took Lily who wasn't fast enough to get to cover by herself and dove behind a rock as a bunch of seeds started flying around. 

We stayed completely still until the barrage was over, and when it was I was met with a scream.

I quickly took off and saw the monster melt away into the darkness. It was a moss hue, but I was confused since it wasn't supposed to be on this floor.

'An irregular?'

I then heard concerned voices from behind me.

"CHIGUSA? HEY, CHIGUSA?!" Haruhime was yelling.

I took a look at the wound as the seed that was implanted in her right arm was taking root across her body.

"Well, we gotta kill it now. Let's get going," 

wanting to waste no time and hopefully rid the seeds from both of them as quickly as possible was what you should do, at least I think.

But apparently, I was wrong 

"hey, Bell?! Can't you wait just a second," Daphne asked as she held Chigusa in her arms,

"...I can sure but the moss hue will just get away,"

"Well, let's check to make sure she's ok first," She shot back as Cassandra cast some healing on her.

Thinking that maybe that was what I should have done I gave up on the chase and knelt down beside her.

"D-Daphne it's not leaving...In fact, it's getting worse!"

"Shoot," Daphne said as she looked at Chigusa "Can we try to forcefully remove it?"

"I'll explain what I know so far," I interrupted "It feeds on blood or energy and that it is not removable by force. We know this since the Elf would have done so already if he had tried. Also, his fatigue would explain what the seed feeds on. Healing it would take a seasoned healer and while I'm not trying to slander you Cassandra but we don't have one. So our only option is to kill it so then the effects of the seeds will go away,"

"Quite the quick deduction," Daphne said as a sweat bead rolled down her face

"I found the same solution," Lily also entered "I say that we chase after it so we don't lose it soon. That thing is irregular and it seems to possess high intelligence,"

That was the other thing. This monster had a hunter's mindset.

The seed was a lure for us to go and find it, and in the process, it would set traps and try and kill us. That was why I chased after it but...I guess this was better?

Currently, I wanted to learn what it meant to trust, that was a goal that took priority over everything. I'm still hesitant about trying to do that on the fly which was why I told Lily ahead of time to protect the group over me.

I also figured that trying to fit in with the rest of the group may help me uncover this truth.

"...I see, it was my apologies then. Sorry Bell," Daphne said with a slight bow

'So...Was I right to try and leave?'

With that, Ouka hoisted Chigusa on his back and Welf carried the Elf who had passed out, I then noticed something on his body, a bag of magic crystals.

Irregulars were born from the consumption of magic crystals and since one person per party carried them it was safe to say this guy was the bait. He took the magic crystals from someone or he originally had them and ran off hoping the moss hue would follow and it did.

The moss hue was smart but it had one thing twisted, it was not the hunter here, I was.

(Hermes POV)

"...Haha," all I could do was let out a dry laugh as my eyes were wide open. "..."

"Hermes?" Asfi asked

She had just handed me a report on the moves Freya had been making. She knew of them but likely didn't know what it would mean.

"We're in deep shit now Asfi. If Lyu fucks this up...Then everyone here could be in for a hell of pain,"

Freya had let word out that the evils were planning on attacking the lower levels, and not only that but had given one of the evils, Jura information on how to re-summon one of the biggest monstrosities to ever be created.

How to summon it was a strict gag order but information like that can easily come to me and Freya, but...

'Damn...Doesn't she know if she hurts the cocoon it'll damage the butterfly?'

Right now Bell was developing trust, something that his Grandpa had not taught him, he had only learned of using others, not working with them. And if while trying to change gets his trust betrayed then things will take a turn for the worst.

I could maybe try to do something, but it wouldn't stop Lyu. Not to mention the plan was already being put into action.

"Asfi, tell everyone in the familia that dungeon hunting is Prohibited until I say it is safe to do so,"

'I'm counting on you, Lyu,'

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