The phone made everyone look up, nobody would call them so late. As it was Namjoon phone he takes it and answers it.

His faces turns angry his eyes are starting to focus on Jimin.
"yes sure I understand thank you." he stops and than hangs up and immediately fires at Jimin.

"Jimin why didn't you tell us that you delated one of the dance videos. Why would you do that."

"I didn't, I have no idea what you are talking about."
"They just called me and said that you deleted the videos of us dancing on.." he couldn't finish.
"You did what?" Jungkook says looking shocked.
"I didn't do anything." Jimin says.
"Why do you keep lying! Was it something we did on the video? Why can't you just tell us the truth." Taehyung says
"I am."
"No you keep on lying all the time and now this. Why would you do such a thing! Did you think you were ugly on it and you couldn't watch it anymore. You are so selfish!" Taehyung yells looking angry at the boy.
"No I..." But Jimin couldn't do this, he just couldn't nobody was going to believe him. Do they really think he would do something like that? Do they really think he is selfish?

He doesn't say a word more, he just looks at them with tears in his eyes as he runs outside.
"FINE THAN JUST LEAVE!" Taehyung yells behind him as he disappears into the night.


As the boys are normally pretty close they are worried about the younger as the next morning he wasn't in his bed.

"I bet he is staying at that one friend house. He always goes there when he needs to get away." Jungkook says.
"Yeah, I have been there. He probaply is there.." Hoseok says.
"Do you think we should call, just to make sure he is ok?" Jin ask, feeling really guilty about last night, een though he was quiet he feels guilty for not saying anything the moment it exploded.

"He will come back when he needs to." Yoongi says.
"I do have a uneasy feeling." Namjoon says.
"It will be fine." Jin says, also trying to convince himself.

As again a day passes the boys are getting a bit more worried and as soon as Namjoon phone rings they all look up.

"Oh no..." Namjoon whispers soft as he looks at the others.

"What?" yoongi asks.
"Jimin didn't do it... At least not our Jimin. Ji-min one of the staff members deleted them from the camera but he put them on the hard drive but he forgot to say something and I just assumed that is was our Jimin. I messed up so bad." Namjoon says as he feels himself getting angry.

Taehyung feels the guilt taking over, he yelled at his soulmate because of it he yelled at him without a reason.

"Do you know if Jimin is at the compony?" Namjoon asks the manager at the phone.
"That is the second thing I wanted to call about. I just got a call from the hospital."
"HE WHAT?" Namjoon practically screamed. "WHERE?"

The boys are just looking at their leader waiting for something more. This was bad.
"We are coming."

With that he hang up and looks at the boys.

"Jimin is in the hospital." That is all he says before running around the house followed by the others gathering things to go.

It felt like blinking as they finally reach the hospital 20 minutes later and they walked in asking for the boy.

"What had happened?" Jin asks the nurse looking sadly at the boy in the bed, wires are all hooked up to the boy. The machine is beeping soft as the boys seems to be sleeping but the bruises can't be something they can hide. Just as the boys can't hide their tears as they are looking at their brother.

The nurse explains that the evening Jimin run out he ran into a car making him fly five feet away, leaving him unconscious on the road. The driver really didn't know what had happened, he came out of nowhere. For the boys this all felt like a dream.

How could this had happened. Guilt it what the boys were feeling but Taehyung is dying inside.

The words he said, he feels awful. How can he even life with himself now. He takes Jimins hand as he sinks into the ground sobbing hard not holding back as he keeps on apologizing.

"There is something else you guys should be aware off." The nurse says as she looks sad at the boys.
"When we were checking him for any injuries, we notices that his whole body was filled with scars of cuts. Some were still fresh and some of them are healed pretty well as some are almost healed completely."

Everyone eyes grow even bigger.
"He needs help." Yoongi whispers soft, the machines start to beep louder as the boys look up and Jimin eyes slowly open up.

"Hey." Is the first thing jimin says as he looks around.
"Hey." Jungkook says smiling and running towards the boy as he wants to hug him. Jimin notices the boy on the floor still holding his hand.
"I am so so so sorry."
"We all are, we should have listened to you. we really should have believed you the moment you said you didn't do it. It was the other Ji-min and I just didn't connect the right dots." Namjoon says, as tears are streaming down his cheeks just like on everyone elses.

"I will be fine." Jimin says.
"You need help Jimjim." Yoongi says not holding back that fact.
"I just got hit by a car I can handle it." Jimin says as he tries to smile it all away.
"It's ok Tae, just hug me." Jimin says as Taehyung does what he says and he wraps his arms around the boy even tighter.
"You know what we are talking about." Jin says.
"You need help." Hoseok says.

"I have you guys." Jimin says.
"We are not good enough. We should have been there when you needed us." Hoseok says.
"But we were not." Jungkook says.
"But we will be now." Hoseok continues.
"We can't say more that sorry." Jin says.
"And we know it will not be enough so please let us help you now." Namjoon says.

Jimin smiles sadly at the guys.
"It feels like I am already to far gone."
"You are never to far gone." Yoongi says.
"Let us bring you back to the light." JIn says as he puts his hand on his arm to give support.

Jimin just smiles, knowing that this will be a really tough time in his live and he just hopes he will get through it.

"We will be there." Taehyung says.

Jimin smiles, he can only hope that they will keep their promise.

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