"Then don't need a household registration?" She wiped the cold sweat from her brow.

    "My sister, how divorced are you from society? How can a child do without a registered permanent residence? Without a registered permanent residence, you can't go to kindergarten, you can't go to elementary school, and you can't do anything without a registered permanent residence..."

  Min Hui said "Oh" and became dumb .

    "Do you still have contact with the child's father?" Bei. bei asked again.

    "No." Min Hui shook her head, "And I don't want to reveal the identity of the child's father."

   "The amount of money is not the same. Second, you need to submit the identity certificates of both parents and the receipt of social maintenance fees for the account registration, so the child’s father’s account must be submitted. In addition, you must provide a paternity test certificate and go through the police station Approval from the director."

    Min Hui's head was a little big: "There is no problem with the money, I can pay it by myself. Other things... will be difficult."

    "My sister, this is a lot of money. I called the Family Planning Commission and asked, in a situation like yours, you need to pay 50,000 yuan."

   "50,000 yuan?" Min Hui widened her eyes, feeling unbelievable. "So much?"

    "Yes, I won't lie to you—so,"

   Beibei looked at her belly, "Are you still planning to give birth to this baby?"

    Min Hui nodded firmly: "Of course. "

     Turn: "There is another way."


    "Sister, your next app, Baihe.com, go on a blind date to find a father for the child. Be sure to get the certificate before the child is born!"

    Beibei said After talking about it, Min Hui finally realized that the matter of having a child cannot be done alone. She was not good at dealing with people, and she didn't have any relatives or elders in Bincheng to discuss with, so she felt a little anxious. She went back to the office and thought about it again, hey, there is no unparalleled road, and there are still seven months before the birth of the child, more than two hundred days, there is still time.

    Min Hui ran into Zhou Ru Ji again in the elevator when she was off work. Zhou Ru Ji asked her if she would take her own car to Cao Mu's house together.

   Min Hui thought about it and said, "Can I stop at the supermarket on the way? I'm going to buy a bottle of wine."

    "Okay. I'm going to buy some things too. I'm going to treat you to dinner, so I can't leave it empty-handed."

    Zhou Ru Ji drove a domestic Audi, and the car was kept spotless. When the two came to the supermarket, Min Hui knew nothing about alcohol and bought a bottle of whiskey following Zhou Ru Ji's suggestion. When they checked out, they passed the mother and baby section. Zhou Ru Ji asked, "Have you started taking vitamins for pregnant women?"

    "No "

    What about folic acid?"

    "The doctor told me to take it, but I haven't had time to buy it yet. I've been too busy recently."

   " Then buy it now." Zhou Ru Ji pulled her to a row of shelves and rummaged through it skillfully , "This brand of vitamins is good, and it also contains folic acid, so you don't need to buy it separately. There is also this Norwegian small fish's DHA, which also needs two boxes."

    "What is DHA... used for?"

    "Unsaturated fatty acids, commonly known as brain gold." Zhou Ru Ji pointed to the small blue medicine bottle in his hand, "This stuff is responsible for the growth of cells in the nervous system, and is an important component of the brain and retina." , can enhance the development of brain cells and reduce postpartum depression. Especially good things, believe me. Three months to six months of pregnancy is the golden period of baby's brain development. For the sake of baby's intelligence, you must eat it!"

    He spoke so vividly that it was recorded as an advertisement. Min Hui then took two boxes and put them in the shopping basket, and was about to leave when Zhou Ru Ji suddenly took out the boxes, looked at them carefully, put them back on the shelf, and changed another one: "This one has fish oil and seaweed oil, don't Fish oil, we want seaweed oil."

    Min Hui looked at the price and found that the latter was more than twice as expensive as the former: "They are all DHA, is there a difference?"

    "Yes. The DHA of algae is extracted from seaweed, no After passing through the food chain, there is no pollution, and it is safer for pregnant women and babies, and it is also easier to absorb."

   " How do you know everything?"

    "I am a doctor, have you forgotten?"

    After paying the bill, the two boarded the car keep going. During rush hours, the roads are congested. Cao Mu lives on the outskirts of the city, and she said that because she wanted to live in a bigger house, she sacrificed the convenience of transportation, and the navigation showed that it would take an hour and a half to get there. Min Hui remembered the app Beibei mentioned, quickly downloaded one, and began to fill in her personal... -->>

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