Chapter 1: It was a long day

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"Uff, is this a job or a headache. Can't even sit and sip a glass of wine." I say it to my subconscious mind who is mini.

"You choose the job now learn to suffer as well." Said mini mocking me. I felt like punching it but anyways.

I have to file the sheets, get those prints, make sure all the docs are ready, prepare the meeting and God knows what all is left in this to do list.

Am I the only one working in this office or this is the actual job of a secretary. I'm sick of it. I wouldn't have gone for this if the pay was not high.

I needed this pay for me to be able to to pay the bills for myself and help my baby Kathrine grow young and beautiful.

"Suzane I need you in my office." Said my boss Mr. The Devil The Great, that's the name I gave, as he is a real pain in the ass when it comes to work, not his real him. Just to confirm, It's Mr. Jonathon Smith.

Mr. Smith is around early 40s and is a good person in general and is a family of three. One boy and his wife ofc. One thing I really liked about my boss when it comes to work he is very focused but when it is fun time he is jelly-boo with all in that case. No harsh feeling for anyone. And thats a really nice trait to have as a boss plus he was a well respected man in office plus in the city.

I met Mrs. Smith once and she was very nice and kind to help me in my helpless situation when I needed my parents the most but they turned against me.

Well at times your own turns their back on you and the ones who are strangers are angels in real, just like Mrs. Scarlet Smith.

I walked down the corridor and finally reached his office, where boldly it's written CEO - Mr. Smith.
I knocked on the door and stepped in when I heard 'come in' from my boss.

"Hey suzane, hopefully everything is sorted out for tomorrow I guess." Asked my boss.

I had a little tensed up face since not all but some task were still left since there were employees who were on leave and I decided to help them out in their work.

I have a slight nod, when Mr. Smith asked me what's the progress in actual.

"Actually sir, the thing is that few employees are on leave and since it's the year end I have a lot to work on and already the junior executives are packed with loads of work and dumping them with more will only make them suffer and so I decided to take up all the work and do it on my own instead of giving anyone anything. Then I will finally get to see if everything is fine and if something requires correction." I said all in one breath, with sweat beads on top of my forehead, with the thoughts that God knows what will I now get to hear from him.

He looked at me like I just finished my so-called-on-stage-speech and after that he started applauding with a amused face.

I was now confused more than ever.

Okay, now what is happing.

"Hell is happening, baby" said mini

"What!" I asked, not exactly getting her too.

"You are stupid amd he is just clarifying that to you, like this, since words also failed him to describe it." Mini said rolling her eyes on me.

"Shut up mini, how can you say this. You forgot you are a part of me only. That makes the two of us then." I say with a raised eyebrow and a smirk 😏.

"Even if that's a fact, you are the one in flesh and blood, where as I get to sleep inside your brain whenever I feel like." Said mini, in a dude tone.

"I swear to god, you have answers for everything, don't you?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"When someone speaks to a person like you, that's an obvious reaction broh." She said.

And that's it. I blocked her out of my mind. I was sick of her insulting me all the time. How can she do that to me when she knows very well I'm also a part of her.

I felt that someone was clicking fingers in front of me and then I snapped out of my thoughts. I looked at Mr. Smith standing right in front of me and trying to analyse what has gone wrong exactly with me that I totally turned a statue.

I can't remember when he came here as well and I have no answer to his questions as well. How can this be so embarrassing?

"Whats wrong suzane, is something off? Is the workload too much that I need to hire one more secretory." He said with a smug face knowing very well that I don't like sharing my work when it comes to me.

"Absolutely no sir. That's not even the case. It's just you were applauding and suddenly standing here so I thought what's wrong." I said in a low voice at the end.

"Suzane you really need some break from your work and when I say you need break, I mean only you. It would be good for you." Said my boss in a low voice with concerned filled tone.

I get it what he means by only me thing. He doesn't want me to take Katherine in my realxing journey as I have done a lot of this mother duo job thing together for a long time now.

"Yes sir." I don't know what else to say.

"Hmm" he signed and got back to his seat and straightend himself.

"Suzane for few days I won't be here in office as I will be traveling to my hometown with my family to visit my parents. So I want you to take care of things here and don't let my employees feel my absence. And if you need help you can ask hazel to give you a hand." My boss said with genuity and I couldn't say no to him.

Hazel was also a work employee in this office and was the senior managing director. We were good friends since the beginning.

"Sure and I will be taking my leave now sir." I said and turned on my heels to take my leave for the day now. And he also nodded for the same.

So finally the work-life of the day ends for me. I'm glad its over and I can lay on my comfy bed with legs and hands stretched.

Hey guys!

This is my first work on wattpad. It would be really kind of you if you vote as it really gives a credit of appreciation to your writer!

Thanks! Hope you guys enjoy the book. 💃💃

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