Back to the Dungeon

Start from the beginning

"Looks like you did it bell!"

Bell Cranel level 4

Strength: I-94

Agility: H-125

Endurance: H-179

Dexterity: I-81

Magic: I-78

"You made it to level four!"

She jumped on top of me tackling me on the bed with excitement. 

"Yup, looks like tomorrow will hopefully go smoother because of that,"

I let Hestia sleep in my room tonight since she considered it a special occasion. I didn't really mind too much this time though.

The next morning it was around sunrise when we were waiting for the last two people. Everyone else was chatting away as Haruhime and I waited for Daphne and Cassandra, who hadn't arrived yet. 

Welf had made me a new dagger made of unicorn horn and he had also said he made Ouka a new weapon as well. For a price of course. 

I waited at the gate for the two late comers

Then I saw someone else walk through the gate.

"Bell Cranel, take me with you,"

Out of no where Aisha showed up, I looked over at Lily who shrugged her shoulders.

I was going to say no when I thought about if this could help me learn to trust people. I obviously wouldn't let her do as she pleases but I think it could work.


"Now I know you're gonna- Wait what?"

"I said sure. Just don't do anything dumb,"

She was shocked for a moment before she let out a boastful smile "Alright, you can count on me. I'm level 4 you know,"

WIth that said she went with Haruhime and chatted while I waited again for Daphne and Cassandra.

five minutes later they finally come and both of them are sweating.

"W-WAIT! Please believe me I had a dream!"

"Enough with your stupid dreams! We're already 5 minutes late!"

The two argued as they walked up to me.

"Sorry we're late Bell,"

"Bell!" With that Cassandra placed her hands on my shoulders and looked right into my eyes "Can we cancel the mission? I had a dream where everyone was covered in a green swarm and died!"

"...As much as I would like to trust that I can't just cancel the mission cause of that,"

She hung her head when Daphne smacked her on the back. 

"Sorry again. Ready to leave when you are,"

I nodded and once everyone was ready we set off. 

The first few floors were easy as usual, but when we got passed Riveria that was when we had to take more precaution, still though we progressed without to much issue.

Then we had finally reached the 24th floor when we decided to rest up for the night.

Lily had brought some tents in her bad along with some food so we were ready to rest right away. 

We found a small little room and I started to destroy the walls so monsters wouldn't spawn. I never really needed to use this trick until now but thankfully I knew nearly all there was to know about the dungeon levels I was on.

I was on look out duty first. I had some bread with me that I was nibbling on while I waited by the entrance.

'...Hopefully this will go fine,'

Maybe it was my wishful thinking that I didn't even know when I'd acquired but I knew it somewhere in the back of my heart, that ther was no way this would be easy.  Hermes was always up to something, and whatever that is I don't know until I'm in the middle of it.

Lily then walked over to me, everyone else was asleep but I guess she was still awake.

"Bell, I'm sure you know as well but this mission likely won't go as planned,"

"I'm well aware," The next things I said though stunned her to silence "That is why I'd like for you to prioritize the group over me. I will likely have to deal with whatever comes up so you deem it to dangerous leave me,"

"...You can't be serious right?"

"I'll be fine. I have a knack for surviving the impossible,"

(Hermes POV)

"Is it all set?" I asked Asfi who had appeared next to me.

"Yes. We found that the moss hue was the monster who was eating the magic stones we had left out so we left plenty more lying around. He should be strong enough to put up a decent fight for Bell,"

Obviously I had to do something when Bell was going to go into the dungeon. Having an irregular monster appear would test his ability to 'trust,'

I was also the one in the first place who arranged the whole thing, I asked Ouranos to give Bell a mission down to the water levels to try and gain some of his reputation back that he lost.

But I had a feeling, call it a gods intuition that things were not going to go as planned. Freya's movements have been strange. I know she also had her eye on Bell but maybe she can't hold back anymore.

What ever it is though, I'm sure Bell will survive, even if it is not the way he wanted to survive.

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