"Hello, Luna Nova and Alpha Braxton. How are you doing today?" He asked.

"Good." We both said at the same time.

"We let see if we can get a listen to those heart beats." He said. He uses his little radar machine to get the heart beats.

"Baby, one heartbeat is 145 and baby two is 156. Those are good and strong heartbeats. Now at least look at those babies. Shall we?" He said. He is now using the ultrasound machine and taking measurements of the babies and so forth.

"Eli, is everything look ok with the babies?" Braxton asked.

"Yes, very well, actually. Did you want to know what the babies were? I can tell you." Eli said. Nova looked at Braxton and they both said, "YES!"

"Baby one is measuring at 32 weeks and is a girl. Baby two is measuring 32 weeks and is a boy. Eli said about another week or two at most, Luna.

"I can't wait till there here." I said.

"Me neither, I am so ready to be a dad." Braxton said.

"Luna, I will see you next week." Eli said.

"Ok, sounds good." I said. They checked out and scheduled their next appointment and headed to the pack house.

Nova was sitting on the couch waiting for Athena to come into the apartment when Garrett and Braxton came into the apartment. They walked into the kitchen. Shortly after that, Everyone else seemed to follow in. The twins came into the living room and climbed up on the couch with her and laid down with Nova. They love rubbing her belly. The twins fell asleep. Everyone else came into the living room and sat down.

"He sweetie," Both Athena and Garrett said.

"Hey how is everyone?" I said.

"Good. How does the doctor's appointment goes?" They all asked.

"Great, I am measuring at 32 weeks, only one to two weeks left." I said.

"What are you having? Braxton said you found out but won't tell us?" Sawyer said. Rory laughed as his mate was pouting. Athena and Garrett giggled.

"Yes, please, what are my grandbabies?" They both asked.

"Baby one is a girl." I said.

"Baby two is a boy." Braxton said.

Everyone cheered and was so happy for Braxton and Nova. Little did the happy couple know. Leon and Nora were currently doing their nursery at the present time as their gift. Since Nora saw it, she saw what it looked like. She had to put it the way it was supposed to be.

"Oh, sweetie, your mother will be here Friday, since your baby shower is Saturday." Athena said.

"You and here have been planning this with Nora? Right?" I asked.

"Of course." Athena said. She hugged Nova.

"Thank you, mom, I am exhausted. I am going to go up and lay down in our room here." I said.

"Ok, Braxton will help you." She said.

"Babe, are you ok?" He asked.

"I don't know. I just feel exhausted and off. Maybe some sleep will help. I will eat it when I wake up. Will you lay with me?" I asked.

"You don't have to ask, love. You know I will." He said. He kissed her temple. They walked up the stairs and went into the bedroom. They laid in the bed together and held on to one another and went to sleep.

Braxton mind-linked his mom before he went to sleep. To let her know what was going on with Nova.

B- He mom, something is up with Nova.

Second Chance Mates: Nova & Braxton's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now