FLASHBACK - Melodrama

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"Damiano, Damiano,"I hear someone speaking. "This brat cannot die on my shift."

My brain wanted my eyes to open, but they wanted to close. My mouth couldn't move. 

"He's not responding." I'm trying

Abdominal pain made my stomach turn upside down so strongly that my vocal cords wouldn't vibrate. Between blinks, my field of vision opened. Everything was almost blacked out. Around me, I was encountering dark shadows. 

"He's back," one of the voices said. "Damiano, do you know where you are?"

Do I know? I thought. I denied it, with my head.

"What did you take?" 

Then I try to go back to the past lightly. 

I had returned from a party. My friends had left Sicily that morning, me, and the ghosts that live in my head, was all that was left. The bottles of champagne kept in my fridge were empty, their shards were left scattered on the floor. I started to get full of heat, took off all my clothes, and its linen was mixing with the glass on the pavement. I looked ahead, and there were 2 half-dressed women in my bed, again, the appearance of a pleasure that was nothing but momentary, that made me feel like a pure object, but that brought something, that despite not being romantic, awakened something in me. Because like that day and so many others, I would wake up many hours later from a lonely sleep in that bed that was filled with the things I wanted to forget when I went to sleep. The pills, the drinking, the needs. It was hard to realize that that wasn't the right place for me, and that I needed to get out of there, to realize that those friends weren't friends, but that they were people who liked the money I had earned with much merit and that they only knew how to put more temptations in front of me. And when I realised that, I didn't want to put up with the mental chaos that was not having anyone worried about me because I didn't allow even a close friend to be near me, that I couldn't deal with everything I had done to my wife.

"What did you take?" the voice asked again.

If I told them what I had taken, I could go to jail. But that wasn't what worried me. The fact was that I couldn't let a single letter out of my mouth.

"Take off the blanket, Salva."

"Yeah," the voice sighed, and began to resemble a male tone.

"I'm Silvia, we're here to help you. You injected yourself, right? Can you give me a sign?"

Eye blinks will work, I thought.

"Ke... Ketamine?" I nodded. 

"We're gonna get you to the ambulance, okay? After Ruiz gets through the glass."

The hours in a hospital that were endless to me as a visitor turned fast as a patient, where intravenous drugs reversed the effect of the numbing substance I so relished in difficult times. Calmants to reduce agitation, fluids to keep me hydrated, oxygen therapy and naloxone to reduce breathing difficulty. I had been hospitalized for 3 days when a familiar person arrived at my door. Leo. He, who I tried to push away during this time when I wasn't at my best, because I knew he wouldn't cope well. His comforting lap and hug made me look like a big kid on his legs. My ability to walk was trying to get back to what it was, even though it was a bit crippling.

"I need to tell you some things," he asked me, after he had helped me go back to bed.

"Go ahead," I answered.

"This can't go on like this."

"I know."

"Your daughter was exactly 12 hours ago," he paused. My baby, my daughter. "her name's Aria. Harper Aria.

My eyes were in an expressionless position. In the midst of all this time, I had practically forgotten that I had a daughter who was about to be present in this world. That, for the first time, I would have someone descended from me to worship me in life.

"Leo," I said between sighs.

"I'm not finished," he said seriously, "Ethan's wedding is in 4 weeks. If you want, you can go and meet your daughter."

"I want to go," I said.

"Let me finish, please. After that you'll go to rehab in Milan."

No, no, no.

"Please Leo, don't do this to me, please."

"Damiano, look into my eyes. You're only 29 years old. You have a career that you love. People who really care about you. And you have Victoria, who is more than just heartbroken after all her allegations of cheating with that chick, and I'm absolutely sure it wasn't just once. She who, is your wife, who never stopped being by your side, who motivated your passion for music, and who is the mother of your  freaking daughters. So my dear, you have 2 options. Either you will seek treatment and take the balls of asking your wife for forgiveness, or this all ends here and now, and you don't have to see me anymore."


Hi guys, I think the content of this chapter is pretty self-explanatory. Writing flashbacks is one of my favourite things to do, and this one was the first made in an isolate point of view; share your thoughts on this kind of parts!! Is it helpful to the story?



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