chapter 30

408 14 3

London, England -->> Rome, Italy.
" I'm coming home."

(4 weeks later)


The feeling of coming home was magical. I was full of joy the whole time, proud of my work and that of others. I had a duo project recorded, with a name, I had realized my dream of playing at the Royal Albert, and my medical situation had improved significantly since those 5 days of work. I remember that in the first days back, I spent all my time in bed, exhausted from everything. It seems not, but the rehearsals were very demanding, with tough rules. And besides the fact that this trip changed our career, it strengthened my friendship with Dam. We recorded an album together, went out numerous times... and also, we made a mistake. What happened that night was a mistake. And we were aware of it. If there is one thing that changes a friendship, it's sex. Nothing was ever the same again.

With the medical leave expired, I could also go back to the road, to life as an artist, to the sleepless nights, to the rushing from one country to another. For a moment I couldn't believe that this was true. I was almost a year and a half away from everything and everyone, and I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to handle it. But despite all the insecurities and fears, the will to evolve and to take music to the world was greater.

However, now that I had more time to go on my cell phone, I resumed my conversations with Giorgia. I felt so guilty, to have done what I did, to have slept with her partner, I mean, her husband. But she would be his if he wanted me that much? After a few text messages, she told me she was coming to Rome to settle some affairs on the day I had spent the whole morning in the hospital doing tests and asked me if I had time to go for coffee. And I accepted.

At that time of the day, it was 1 in the afternoon, I was waking up from the nap that I had right after I came from the hospital. God, I hate that place. After taking a quick shower, I turned on my cell phone and my dear Alexa said: "7 new messages from Dami David,". People like him, can't send everything they want to say in just 1 or 2 messages.


are you there?


Do you want to come to the beach?

At that place, we know


You're up already, right?

Good mornin', idiot

Well... I can't

Why not?

I have something else scheduled, sorry.

Really, like what?

Bath Chili?

No, but it could be.

Okay, fine.

But are you sure you can't come?

I already said no, Dam



I drove to the station, having caught a giant traffic jam, which slowed everything down. As soon as she sees me leaning against a lamppost, Giorgia comes running toward me. She gives me a strong hug, and I return the kind gesture. She looked different since the last time I had seen her a little less than a month ago, very different. She seemed to have lost even more weight, and, she had the saddest facial expression I have ever seen. However, the comfortable glow of her brown eyes together with her short hair remained the same, and her strong personality persisted. She was the one who comforted me during the first months I was in the clinic when I started to lose high amounts of weight in a short time, becoming practically anorexic. She said that, despite all the bad things, she saw that I was still the same person, with the will to overcome all my obstacles and insecurities, and that everything would be all right, one day. And, she was right.

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