chapter 46

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Author's note: This part has quite a few inconsistencies, due to the fact that my parents present 2 different versions of the story. A special accomplishment to my uncle Leonardo Grillo for inviting me to be in such an amazing experience.

Victoria de Angelis: I was lost.

Damiano David: I knew something was wrong.

Victoria: At that night on Valentine's Day, I stood clean, threw away the booze bottles, dressed in my best and put tons of makeup.

Damiano: That night was beautiful, I'll never forget it.

Victoria: But the moment he pulled his naked body against mine, I felt a chest ache. And I just knew. I knew you were in this world. I thought it was a lie when some women say they felt like they were pregnant. But it was true. 

Damiano: That was our last night together, before what happened. But you don't want to know details about that, right?

Victoria: The next day I had arranged with my friends to have a party, at the house of one of them. Right before that, wearing a short black skirt and a top just white enough to see the colour of my nipples, I went to a drugstore, and bought the most expensive pregnancy test there was. Then I put the box in my pocket and just opened it again as soon as I got to their house. In less than five minutes, the device beeped. Pregnant, 8 weeks. I had been drinking a lot in those last few weeks, to that point I thought the baby was dead. That could account for some of the strange symptoms I was feeling in the last few weeks. 

Alice Pagani (actress, model and writer, bridesmaid, friend of Victoria, best friend of Lorenzo Zurzolo): I was in the bathroom with her when she took the test. I knew very well that after Angel, she couldn't bear another greater loss. When the test came back positive, she cried with joy in my arms and I tried to get her out of that house full of alcohol.

Rebekka (Victoria's friend, Maid of Honor): If she had told me she was pregnant I wouldn't have done what I did.

Sarah (Victoria's friend, Maid of Honor): Victoria and Alice spent forever in the bathroom together, and when they came back, Rebekka had just made enough mojitos for 20 people. We were only 13.

Rebekka: Naturally, as the person I am when I'm drunk, I didn't want to be the only one. I knew Victoria was sober, but I saw her drinking even at her wedding.

Alice: The moment Vic was about to grab a mojito, I made up one of those sudden excuses and walked home with her.

Victoria: I was so happy. But so sad, so worried. 

Alice: But seeing her in that state, so stressed, I had to take her to a hospital.

Victoria: Even with appointments for the next few hours, Alice took a little time out and drove me to the hospital. I will always be grateful to her for that.

Alice: She passed out while drawing blood. Then they tried to call Damiano. He wouldn't pick up.

Victoria: I know I woke up on a gurney, in a room. I was afraid of being hospitalized, again. 

Alice: She didn't want to worry Damiano.

Victoria: He was in the studio. 

After an eternity, the results came back. I was pregnant indeed, wow.

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