chapter 31

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I had arrived at the restaurant particularly earlier than everyone else. I was wearing the only suit I had ironed, which Vic loves to steal from me, I thought she would like to see me like this. While waiting for everyone, I was playing a little game on my phone, until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Good evening," I said confused. It must be a fan.

"First of all, I want to be direct. Good evening. Pleasure, James, from TMZ." I had noticed that his accent was British. Holy shit, not these guys.

"Good evening," I said, calmly. I knew who those kind of people are. Still can't believe this.

"I have something I think you have an interest in." Oh, do you?

"Just say what you want!"

"Well... a colleague and I did a photo report of your last concert, from the dress rehearsal to the hotel arrival. One of the photos I took, has a more private scene."

"Private of what?" I know what he was talking about

"You and Victoria de Angelis, sir. The curtains weren't transparent at all, were they?"

"What do you want? Money?"

"The report will air tomorrow."

"Okay. How much do you want? 100,000?"

"That's it? My god, how naive you are."

"Two hundred?"

"Damiano Damiano..." the man said, laughing at my face. My will to punch people in the face has been reserved for years to people like him, but they don't worth it. They don't worth it.

"Five hundred and we have a deal, okay?" I said, already with a million thoughts in my head.

"You want the picture?" Oh, you gotta be kidding me.

"Why would I want it?"

"Because you will enjoy seeing it. I just sent it to you. When do I get the money?"

"Talk to my manager. If anyone else knows about this, you're fucked," I replied, moving out of his field of vision as soon as I spotted Ethan's car.

Oh, yes, refreshing air finally, it felt so good. The air seeemed so complicated to breath though. It was like I was frozen, staring infinitely to Ethan closing the door of his car, Thomas in the back.

"Damiano, we have to get out of here," Ethan said, when he saw me. Do they know too?

"But... what?"

"It's Vic, Dam. Something's happened."

Those six words do things to time that a weapon never could.

We all drove to the place in our cars. Inside my white Smart, I had on the passenger seat a sweater of Vic's from some time ago. In my hands were the pills that I kept stored in a compartment of the car that the therapist told me to take in an SOS situation. I felt exhausted. My psychological was tired of suffering for someone I could not have.

When I arrived at the hospital, I could barely feel my hands, or my feet, but I found a way to get out of the car walking normally. At the entrance, there were 4 paramedics arriving. It's her.

"Female patient, 24 years old. Presents with bradycardia, sudden onset. Barely felt a pulse a few minutes ago. She was found at the scene unconscious. As far as we know, she has a complicated psychiatric history and a cardiorespiratory syndrome."-They said. That was Vic. And behind her was Leo.

I tried ran to her, who was lying on that hospital gurney, her eyes closed, wearing an oxygen mask. They stopped me from touching her, from getting close, and they took her somewhere else, and only after minutes did they say anything to us.

"Are any of you... David?" asked a nurse, addressing the question to all of us.

"Actually, that's my last name, but..." I answered.

"Then, come with me. Sorry for the misunderstanding."

"Well... she's in the ICU for now, as you can see," she sighed, "but only for the first few hours, to be observed closely. The bradycardia is complicated." The nurse seemed young, I could feel her aprehension in her sweet voice.

"I know, it's not the first time."

"I see it in her chart. You were listed here as the main visitor."

"How long will she stay here?"

"It depends, her history is too troubled. With a history of suicidal episodes, pneumonia, hypotension, alcoholism and substance addiction, this could be anything caused by one of her problems."

"But she... she is cured now. I mean, sober."

"This looks more like a hypoglycemic crisis than bradycardia. Don't worry, she will be home in a few days."

" Well... thanks for the help."

" This is my job, anyway. My name is Alexis, but people know me here as Sasha. You'll have to put up with me for the next few days, because I'm the nurse in charge of her," she held out her hand, protected by a glove.

"Well, you already know the name," I said, the latex of her glove wrapped around my fingers.

"If you don't mind, I have to go," she said, quickly leaving the hallway, "and yes, you can go see her. Victoria is in the room down the hall," her voice echoing in the hallway.

ICU rooms with transparent doors scare me. They have transparent and automatic doors because if something difficult happens to the patient, the doctors come faster. As I reached the end of the corridor, I saw her, sitting up in bed, conscious with that glow she always has, or maybe that's in my head. The moment I saw her, all the bad thoughts disappeared.

" Vitto, I...I was so worried, what a fright that you gave us."

"No need to hold me so tight, Dami, I won't disappear," she said, smiling. The light from the space enhanced the pallor of her skin, and the light blue of her eyes. "This seems my job, like I do scare others for a living."

"Don't say that, idiot," I giggled "Do you have any clue of what happened?"

" I don't know, one moment I was packing some clothes, and the next... I'm here. But it's because of the usual things: hypoglycemia which causes..."

"Which causes bradycardia. See, that's why you have to have the blood glucose meter nearby."

"Don't make me agree with you. Anyway... they want to run more tests on me. You don't know how exhausting this is. They are telling me about a diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes. Anyway, one more disease for the record."

"They're just worried about you, about your health. So am I. So are us."

"I know Dam, I know..."

"Vic, I have to take this call. It's important..." I said. It was Fabrizio, the manager.

" If it is Fabrizio, please don't tell him that I am like this. Otherwise he will cancel appointments, and I don't want that for us, okay?"

" Okay, boss baby."

"Don't call me like that, evil spawn," she teased.


hey guys! thanks for the 8000 readings! I love you all ♡

thanks for reading,

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