chapter 45

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writer's pov

In a room, with a pile of pills and a broken heart in hands , Victoria seemed only to listen to the voices in her head. "Vic, game over. This is over."

Before Vic empties an entire tablet of Trazodone and stuffs it all into her mouth, another voice comes into her head. "Victoria, are you there?". Suddenly, it felt like everything was repeating itself. Locked doors, puddles of blood and drink, tight hugs in hospital beds, tears over whisky bottles. Damiano wasn't going to let that happen again.

Dam slammed his leg against the door with all the strength he had in his body, and the second he takes his gaze off her, there was his love. Motionless, shaking. On his phone was a picture of her and Damon. He knew nothing about it.

"Victoria, I'm here, you know that, right? Can you look at me?"

She turned her gaze to his, the saddest look he'd ever seen. "It was Damon, Dam. He... died," she murmured, dropping the pills and entwining her arms in his shoulder, her tears wetting his shirt.

"Did you take anything, love?"


"Promise?" he asks, gently


With a giant pressure on him just to do things right, Dam made Vic some tea, grabbed some freshly bought biscuits and silently called her psychiatrist. 2 milligrams of alprazolam, she said. If it got worse, they could go to the clinic and she could take the same medication but intravenously. And so he did. There they were, leaning against each other in their bed, watching Brooklyn 99. He knew how important Damon was in Vic's recovery, she felt understood in a special way. He had also seen a loss like that before, he knew how her feelings felt like. This grief wasn't going to be easy, just like all the others.

By the minute Vic fell asleep in his arms after crying so hard, Dami went to the bathroom. Everything seemed so the same, a deja vu. He washed his face, shaved his beard that was a little big, took some pictures in the mirror and tied up his hair. It was a matter of minutes before he realised Vic wasn't asleep. She was unconscious. After much calling to her, he lifted her legs and waited for her to wake up. It seemed like the moment would never come, 1 minute seemed like a long time. She hadn't been unconscious for long, if seconds had passed after Dam had noticed her changing position in bed. These situations happened many times, but this time it seemed so scary. He didn't know if she had taken those pills. And for some reason, following his testimonies and wills, he treated her at home and called a house doctor. Victoria didn't want any more doctors, but she also knows that they were the ones who had saved her life dozens of times. Them, and Dam.

Apparently, no damage was noticed from her passing out, so she continued to lie in her bed, covered in warm sheets. Next to her, Damiano was holding her by the waist and Chili was lying on her owner's feet. To try to distract her, he kept showing her pictures of baby cats, which were available for adoption. He wanted a white cat, and she wanted a black one. Vic had always liked cats, although he was a little afraid of them, he never had. In the middle of some conversation, Damiano saw Victoria curl up in a fetal position against his body.

"It's cramps, sorry," she tried to apologise.

"Who knows?"

"Ah well, now any sneeze I give, you think I'm pregnant?" she chuckes.

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