chapter 13

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December 31st. The last day of the year. The last day of one of the worst years of my entire life. Finally, a cycle was ending.

After 5 days in a shelter, I decided to go back to the hotel. I had my phone out of battery for more than 4 days because I forgot the charger, so I wasn't contacting anyone at all, which may seem a little sad, but honestly, it brought me peace that I rarely have. I took a shower, put on the only clean clothes I had, and left the shelter. With the only change I had left; I took an Uber to the hotel because at that point I didn't know how to come back there on foot. After taking an elevator and going up to the sixth floor, I arrived at the aparthotel, terrified of their reaction. I opened the door, and I saw Ethan in the kitchen, Leo and Thomas on the couch, and Damiano on the balcony, smoking. And everyone looked at me in amazement.

I couldn't say a single word, I just closed the door and went to my room.

After a while of sitting on the bed watching series, I decided to go to the balcony to watch the lights, since it was almost dark. The view was completely breathtaking. I could already see some people guaranteeing the best places to watch the fireworks, the apartment balconies were full of people having fun and the Eiffel Tower was in different colors. If I could, I think I would look at that view forever. Until I smell that cigarette scent again, coming from behind.

"You'll tell me here and now why you suddenly left the hotel without telling anyone."

"I don't have to give explanations to others about where I went."

"Victoria, show me your arms, NOW," he demanded, gripping my left arm even tighter.

I felt him removing all those 4 layers of clothes that I was wearing and checking if my 2 arms were ok. And as expected, they were 'perfect', although they still have some scars.

"Do you see? I'm totally fine. Besides, why should you worry? You were upset with me for almost one week, even though I apologized so many times."

"WHY SHOULD I WORRY? Maybe because you're my best friend and the person I trust the most on the face of this world, don't you think? I spent these days waiting for a message, a call, or something minimal, but you didn't even bother to do that"

"Damiano, what did you want me to do? My phone died."

"I don't know, forget about it. And if you want to know, Giorgia didn't come because of us," he ended, immediately leaving the balcony.

No, it doesn't surprise me to hear that she didn't come because of my relationship with Damiano, cause I had already heard that in one of those discussions at the home studio. What surprised me was the fact he broke his pride to go talk with me.

It was almost 9 pm when I remembered a small detail: I still hadn't chosen the outfit I was going to wear. I took my suitcase out of the closet, and I started to look for something classic, but stylish at the same time. I found in the bottom of my suitcase a pair of new pants that I had bought at an outlet in Amsterdam, that I hadn't used yet.
It was all full of shiny sparkles, and super-wide, which I love. I also found a black bralette hanging in the closet, which looked perfect with those pants. Then, I added a pair of shoes that
I wear them rarely, but always carry them in my suitcase: a pair of black high heels with some golden details, that my stylist once recommended for a gala dinner. Then I added some golden accessories, put on heavier makeup, and left the room. Honestly, I was feeling like a goddess at that moment.

"Vic, I think you're going in the wrong direction; the fashion show is kilometers away," Leo said while preparing the table. "But seriously, you're stunning."

"Thank you, you're very handsome too! Where did the others go?"

"Thomas and Ethan are in the hallway because Thomas decided to wear a tie and forgot how to tie a tie, so Ethan is helping him. Damiano... I don't know. I think he's getting dressed, in the bathroom."

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