chapter 15

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" you go back to her,

and I go back to black."

turn on music: Back to Black, Amy Winehouse

( 3 months later )

After all that Paris situation, our life went on. I mean, it had to go on.

In situations like these, I had to put my professional life completely ahead of my personal life to try to avoid confusion. In other words, Dam and I continued with the same relationship as before in interviews and concerts. But when the cameras stopped recording and the gigs ended, nothing was like that. I still remember all those times right after a concert when he pulled me into his dressing room and started kissing me in all the places a human being can be kissed. We spent 2 weeks like that. Living on impulse. Not thinking about consequences and ever less our type of relationship.

Those 2 intense weeks ended when his girlfriend started accompanying us on tour, and I'm not going to lie, every time I saw him doing our dressing room thing with her, a part of my heart just wanted to expose everything he and I had lived in Gio's face. I think the worst thing was trying to talk with her like nothing had happened or talking to her like I never heard everything she said in those discussions that I listened to.

But anyway, as I said, life went on. He was with her, and I, in one way or another, had to accept that. And since his life went on, mine too, I even started seeing other people. It was very difficult to move on, I must admit. For weeks, I went to a nightclub almost every day to drink everything that had alcohol, kiss strangers, and dance until I fell. There was a time when my routine was based on waking up with a hangover, throwing up, cutting myself, drinking again, going to rehearse with the band as if nothing had happened, sleeping, and going to the nearest bar. I even did a gig in Australia drunk, with a superinfected cut and 39 degrees of fever. I was willing to do anything a person can do, anything but ask him to come back.

Until a light appeared in my path. The light was called Janis, my ex-girlfriend. She was the one who took me home when I was drinking too much, held me in her arms when I was at my worst, and helped me get through many of my problems. The one who used to do that was Damiano, and my past self would never imagine that he would be one of the main causes of my current love problems. And because I was stupid, I ended up breaking up with her for very stupid reasons.

Even though my mental health not being at the best, I was called with the boys for a meeting with our manager to schedule our second tour of the UK. My mind wasn't ready for another tour at all, but I wasn't able to say that to any of the crew. After more than 3 hours locked in a room deciding concert dates and festival invitations, that meeting was finally over.

Then we went to the home studio, where we would spend a few days writing new songs. After we had packed our clothes and done some grocery shopping, Dam gathered us all together in the living room, looking like he had something to tell us.

"So folks..."

"Tell us what you have to say, I'm getting nervous," Thomas said, shaking his leg.

"I don't know how to say this but... I'm getting married!"

I wasn't believing in what he said. GETTING MARRIED? Now that I heard those 2 words, I felt a pang in my heart.

"WHAT? CONGRATULATIONS!" shouted Thomas.

"WOW! Cheers!" Ethan said, hugging him.

"G...Good for you," I said, trying to say something nice.

Then he gave us the invitations, which were like a vinyl record, in shades of blue. My mind could hardly believe that such a thing was going to happen because I always imagined it happening in my worst nightmares, and from what I knew before, the Damiano I had known don't have the intention of getting married. Many of the invitations he gave out invited both the person invited and their partner, except mine.

"Sorry Damiano, but why is my invitation different from the others?"

"Because as far as I know, you don't date, do you?"

"Actually yes, I'm... I'm dating," I affirmed.

"A...ah, ok. You can come with him and her."

No, I wasn't fine. I had barely broken up with my girlfriend, and soon after I found out that the person I used to call my best friend was getting married, after all, he and I had through together. I held back my urge to cry for those 15 minutes we talked about the whole thing. As soon as I got out, I ran to the exit to get away. As I was walking, more tears were falling and the more tired I got, and on the way, I ended up meeting Leo. I Couldn't take it, and I just collapsed in his arms.

"They're getting married, Leo...MARRIED!" I said, practically throwing myself against his chest.

"They who, Vic?" asked him, startled.

"Damiano and Giorgia... DAMIANO AND GIORGIA!"

"Oh Vic, I'm so sorry..." he said, hugging me. "You know, life is unfair many times."

"I loved him, I mean, I don't know... I don't know what else to say now."

"Victoria, look me in the eyes. As much as I'm Dam's best friend, he was a son of a bitch to you. And I think you should be aware that you didn't deserve anything he did to you."

"I know Leo... but did they have to get married right now? I didn't want to say anything, but I'd just broken up with my girlfriend and I wasn't prepared to receive that type of news."

"Wait, did you have a girlfriend? When?"

"It was 2 months ago, but you know... I didn't deserve a person like her."

"Vic, you deserve the world! But anyways, cycles end, right? And I think you'd better end this 'cycle' with Damiano."


"The worst thing is that you all missed an opportunity to do a concert at the Royal Albert Hall..."

"Wait, WHAT?"

"Didn't you know about it?"

", obviously not."

"Wow, I thought Damiano had asked your opinion on the matter."

"So let me get this straight. Did we miss the opportunity to have a gig in the best concert hall in the UK because of Damiano's stupid wedding? I can't believe this," I thought I was delirious at this point.

"You know as well as I do that Dam wouldn't give up on his wedding day for anything, right?"

"Yes, but marriage opportunities abound, but opportunities to play in a place as prestigious as the fucking Royal Albert Hall not."

"I think you better calm down, Vic."

"CALM DOWN? The last man I felt loved me who 'by chance' was my best friend is going to marry a girl who hates me, and because of that I missed the great opportunity to fulfill my biggest dream of playing there. Tell me, Leo, how can I calm down?"

At that moment, I began to tremble in a way that I cannot explain until nowadays. If it hadn't been for Leo, I would have gone home and probably tried to take a handful of pills. After I almost tried to get in the car and run away somewhere, he took me to his house, until I calmed down. even because the home studio was a place where I couldn't calm down.

"Tell me a thing, Vic," he said, pouring a mug of tea. "Are you dating someone at the moment as you said to Damiano?"

"No, of course not. Love sucks."

"So, who are you going to take with you to the wedding?"

"First of all, I don't know if I want to go to the wedding; second: I don't know who I can take with me, but if I need to, I'll find someone. But first, I'm going to talk with Dami about the Royal Albert Hall."

"Vic, don't do that, for God's sake."

"I... I'll try to avoid it. But I can't promise you anything."

"He can't know that you or any other band member knows about this invitation, ok?"

"Again, I can't promise anything."

i hope that y'all are liking this plot as I do!

tks for reading <3

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