Court case Day 4: P5

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"But during that time I was just with him for the whole entire four months. I wasn't allowed to work or to be let out his sight." Karen said as she started to look down again. "What happened during that time did he take good care of you?" The attorney asked and Karen tried not to scoff at him as she got emotional again.

"I was only allowed to please him." Karen said trying to clean it up the best way she could.

"He wasn't about to take good care of me or his child he just didn't do that for me." Karen said shaking her head no.

"If anything the only thing he did was make sure that if he had to go on business trips or was in any business meetings I would always be right there next to him." Karen said. "I was his main bitch as he would call me or introduce me to people." Karen said saying it again.

"Being his main one wasn't what it was cracked up to be like all the other girls thought it was being his main girl had them hating me even more not realizing that was one of the worst positions you ever could've been in while staying in the house with him. Because the last girl who was his main girl before me he had killed her." Karen revealed. "And why was that?" Greg's attorney asked.

"He killed her because she tried to kill him and she tried to escape." She explained to them.

"What was it like working for him surely he didn't have you work in unsanitary conditions." He asked playing devils advocate for Big J.

And Karen had gritted her teeth again.

"I was a sex slave to him in every sense of the word." Karen said trying to keep it together.

"The underground rooms that he would have us in where filthy no light, no air conditioning, mold everywhere on the walls, girls would just urinate in there, it smelled bad throughout the halls. He didn't care to clean up nothing and when he did decide to have it cleaned up he would make one of us clean it up with little no actual cleaning supplies so it was still dirty." Karen told them.

And being his sex slave I don't know which one was worse being stuck in those rooms or having to be with him." Karen said. "All of the meetings I went with him he always had me in something that was either showing too much skin or it was really skimpy and short. Everyone knew what my job was and he had no shame on making me do my job in front of them." Karen said feeling embarrassed about the whole thing.

"Such as?!" He asked her thinking it possibly couldn't have been that bad.

"He made me do oral on him a countless number of times during his meetings with them in there." Karen said remembering everything. "Do you need a demonstration?" Karen smartly asked him and Matti gasped along with Karen's siblings and his attorney just let Karen continue talking after that statement.

"I couldn't talk back to him and I couldn't say no or else he would've beaten me right then and there like the first time I tried to say no." Karen revealed to them. "I basically operated as an escort for him when we had went on those business trips. I mean it was much better saying that than to say I was just his sex slave when people would ask him who I was so that's what he just took to calling me outside of being a sex slave." Karen said awkwardly shrugging her shoulders.

"Are there anymore details on what happened when you did say no because he couldn't have been that bad?" He asked her trying to make it seem like she was over reacting.

"The first time I said no to him while I was pregnant with his baby he slapped me so hard in one of the meetings he had made a hole in the wall with my head. So, I just dropped to my knees after that because I had already felt like I was gonna faint when he did that and I knew I couldn't faint because that would've embarrassed him." Karen said.

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