Chapter 24: Training Camp Part 1, Beast's Forest

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"So that's the secret to getting you on time, make a Pro Hero take you to school." Sero teases as he approaches me first.

"I guess so! He'll have to retire early and become my full time chauffeur." I tease right back, then we all start chatting as we wait for everyone else to arrive. "Never mind, it feels weird not being the last one here." I say after having been there waiting for five whole minutes.

We filed onto the bus after a bit longer and I ended up next to Mashirao with Kirishima and Kaminari in the seat behind us chatting with us. Aizawa tried to mumble something about us being orderly, and Iida kind of looked like he was going to have a stroke getting everyone to settle down and pay attention to him. I was quickly drifting off back to sleep, but I was still mildly listening to my friends talk for the first chunk of the ride.

"Dude, your tail is so soft, it's crazy calming to pet." Kaminari comments to Mashirao at one point, and I peak over at my friend to see his reaction. He looks oddly calm with the electric blond casually stroking it, and I frown with a pout. "Irisa, how come you never told us his tail was so soft?!"

A shiver ran through my spine as both Mashirao and I jumped to sit bolt upright. I refused to turn my head to my best friend at this moment, and couldn't meet the eyes of my other friends. Instead, I stared at the back of Bakugo's head in front of me before answering.

"I am not allowed to touch Mashirao Ojiro's tail. At no point and time am I allowed to touch it, and I'm certainly not allowed to stroke and or pet it." I answer stiffly, my shoulders shaking as memories of my best friend being extremely angry at me flash through my mind.

"Um... Are you two ok?" Kirishima puts his head between both of us from over the seats. I can only assume Mashirao's face is also bright red right now, because I know mine is.

"We do not discuss it." Mashirao says shortly.

"Oh my god, does this have to do with when you two first met?" Sero, who is seated next to Bakugo, turns around and asks with a giant grin on his face.

"Yea-" I start to confirm, but Mashirao's hand slams over my mouth.

"We do not speak of it!" Mashirao says loudly in embarrassment.

"Seriously, what the hell happened between you two?!" Sero asks louder, drawing more attention.

"I too must admit I'm curious." Shoji adds in from the seat across the aisle from us.

"Lover, you too?" I sigh out, then chance a glance at my best friend. "Come on Mashi, we were eight years old. We could just tell them, rip the band aid off and get it over with. It is kind of a funny story."

"Funny for you." Mashirao grumbles in annoyance before finally sighing, turning a final glare to me, and then pointedly looking out the window and pretending I don't exist. That's his way of letting me know I can tell the story.

"Ok, so I met Mashi at the dojo when we were almost eight." I turn to the eagerly listening crowd of students, waking up a little more and relaxing my posture once again. "I have, as you all already know, like zero filter when I meet new people. This was a lot worse back then because I was also a little kid and excited at finally being allowed to do something new. Poor Mashirao got chosen to be my sparring partner for the day, I think because he was the only kid there nice enough to not walk away from me."

"Lesson learned." Mashirao grumbles bitterly from my side, but everyone still heard him.

"Yeah... lesson learned." I agree with a sheepish chuckle. "Anyway, I had never met a kid with a tail before... and well... I got curious, but I also didn't really talk all that much back then. I more... spoke by my actions."

Jet Stream (Kirishima x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang