Chapter 52 - 2019.2.16

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"With a 'pop', Huo Wan extended a smooth arm and turned on the small lamp on the bedside once again. As the warm yellow light came on, both of them could now see each other's expressions clearly.

Huo Wan felt a bit stuck in her throat. She had never seen someone who, even when deep in passion, could hit the brakes so suddenly with just one word. The perfect and ambiguous atmosphere that they had just built up was all shattered by Lin Dang's words.

The air was starting to fill with awkwardness again.

Lin Dang raised her own hand and took a while to realize what she had just said. She looked up, feeling flustered, and saw Huo Wan staring at her intently. She was lightly biting her lip, her eyes deep with complex emotions - reproach, dissatisfaction, and something else.

"What did you say you touched? Was it a sponge or something?" Huo Wan asked, feeling helpless as she lifted her hand to support her forehead. Her eyebrows were tightly furrowed, and she was speechless. She really wanted to open Lin Dang's head and see if there was just pudding inside.

How could she ask such a question out of the blue?

At the same time, she felt a bit disheartened. She had used every trick in the book, even perfume, but still failed to seduce her! This could become a permanent blemish in her love life. She had proven one thing - there was no limit to how direct someone could be.

Lin Dang was also speechless. She looked at her own hands, not knowing whether to keep them up or put them down. What kind of situation had she not been through in her life? But this was the first time she had encountered something like this.

It was strange. Although she admired and loved Huo Wan in her heart, she was certain that her feelings were pure and free from any impurities. She had never even thought about anything colorful.

Yet today, her mind seemed to have gone haywire, repeatedly wanting to move in that direction.

Her hands and feet seemed to have a will of their own. Had they become sentient?

What was it that she had just touched?

Lin Dang was still immersed in the sensation just now, feeling a bit dizzy. Was Huo Wan's chest really that good to touch? It was so soft that a little pressure would make it sink down, making people reluctant to take their hands off.

Although Lin Dang also had a chest of her own, she had never really paid attention to what it felt like to touch a woman's chest.

"It seems..." Lin Dang swallowed, looked at Huo Wan's slightly unfriendly expression, and whispered nervously, "It seems to be your chest... um." It seemed to be your chest, that should be right, she shouldn't have touched the wrong place.

Lin Dang felt like a child who had committed a heinous mistake and was facing the questioning of her parents, feeling extremely nervous.

I actually touched Huo Wan's chest?!

Will she hit me?

Lin Dang's brain was stuck and she began to think seriously about this question. She hadn't thought for long when she was interrupted by the laughter coming from in front of her. She looked at the person in front of her with a frown, wondering what the other person was laughing at?

Huo Wan felt that her Lin Dang might be a funny person.

Earlier, she said that Lin Dang and Lin Ran didn't look like sisters, but now it seemed that the two were quite similar in some ways.

When angry, it could make people want to die, but sometimes being silly could make people feel too cute. Just like earlier, the dazed look, made Huo Wan unable to resist the urge to embrace her and give her a kiss.

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