Chapter 10 - 2019.1.16

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Huo Wan is really angry.

Her personality is the kind that is easy to approach and gives a very gentle impression.

Perhaps it is because she has been influenced by her family for a long time at home. The ancestors of the Huo family were barefoot doctors, and the reputation of each generation was accumulated little by little by their descendants.

Grandpa always said that when treating patients, one must not be restless and must calm down to make the most accurate judgment. Otherwise, it is easy to delay the patient.

It was the first time for her to lose her temper in front of so many people, which also overturned the image of a sweet goddess in the hearts of her classmates.

Even Lin Dang, who had grown up with her for so many years, had never seen Huo Wan's angry appearance.

"This classmate, could you please not touch me?"

At this time, Huo Wan had an aura around her, and she glared at Huang Xuan with an unfriendly look. She didn't care how others saw her, just staring at Lin Dang being dragged by her clothes.

She took three steps and walked two steps to Huang Xuan, who was frightened, and rudely slapped his hand away. Then she used her own body to protect Lin Dang behind her. Well... she blocked her quite tightly.

At this moment, she was like a lioness whose fur had been ruffled, and she would bite anyone who came near her.

She had to protect Dang Dang and couldn't let her get hurt.

In junior high school, most boys were still short and had not yet developed, but girls were different.

With the arrival of menstruation, Huo Wan clearly felt that her body was undergoing new changes every day. Recently, it was like taking medicine, and her height was soaring.

At this moment, facing Huang Xuan, it was not a stare but a condescending view.

Huang Xuan knew Huo Wan, and he also knew that the relationship between the two best friends was very good. He would joke with the boys in the class, saying that whoever could win over this pair of best friends would be amazing.

His hand was slapped hard on the back, and it felt a little painful.

Height was his weakness, and he didn't want to be so obviously overshadowed by Huo Wan, nor did he want to look up at her.

So he took a step back and opened up some distance between the two, at least he didn't have to look up anymore.

"Sister Huo Wan, how about I become your best friend's boyfriend?"

Huang Xuan felt pretty good about himself and called Huo Wan "sister" in a casual and vulgar tone. Huo Wan rolled her eyes to the sky.

Although Huo Wan usually acted sweet and gentle in front of Lin Dang and loved to act like a baby to her, when she was alone, she was still very decisive.

After all, she was elected as the class monitor of the second grade.

Her eyes quickly scanned the classroom.

"Class 1's monitor, go call the teacher back. What are the class cadres doing? Where's the sports committee member? The girls in the class just watch when one of their own is being bullied by a whole group of boys, a bunch of cowards!"

Her voice was not loud, but her momentum was strong. She knew that she couldn't confront them head-on and needed to find a way to take advantage of the situation.

Inside and outside the classroom, everyone began to stir and talk after her words. Some of the students from other classes didn't mind making trouble and joined in with the boys in her class.

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