Chapter 20 - 2019.1.26

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Even though she said no, she still reached out and touched her soft cheek.

It was shameless and serious flirting!

If someone were to measure her heart rate at that moment, Huo Wan felt that it was unnecessary.

Her heart rate was already at 180, and it was almost enough to cause her to drop dead on the spot! The most deadly flirting comes from straight girls who don't even know they're doing it. Huo Wan hates it!

At that moment, the door to the private room was pushed open and waiters started to bring in various dishes. The room was suddenly filled with the aroma of food, and everyone's hunger was instantly awakened. The previous incident was quickly forgotten.

Huo Wan finally looked over at Lin Dang after feeling embarrassed. As expected, she didn't think anything was wrong with what she had just said. After flirting with her, she continued to talk and laugh with Huang Yao.

As she recounted some of Huo Wan's achievements at school, there was a hint of a smile in her eyes.

It's so frustrating!

Huo Wan realized that Lin Dang, although she appeared to be cold and indifferent, had a special charm that made people want to get closer to her.

For example, now that everyone was sitting around the same table, some people were particularly attentive to their side. Huang Yao enthusiastically recommended some delicious local dishes on the table to Lin Dang, and on the other side of the table, Zuo Ming also frequently asked if they needed their drinks refilled.

It was a little too enthusiastic, wasn't it?

Lin Dang accepted their kindness one by one, never forgetting to smile politely and say thank you.

Huo Wan felt increasingly uneasy sitting beside them. These were things she should have been doing. Now that her job had been taken away by someone else, she felt a little sour inside.

There were a few lemons dancing around in her head, shouting,

"Huo Wan is a lemon spirit, a lemon spirit~"

Lin Dang was focused on eating her own food, while the lemon spirit next to her emitted a sour smell that she didn't even notice. Although the dishes on her plate were already piled up and about to overflow, she still didn't touch any of the food.

Because she had a slight cleanliness obsession and didn't like to eat food that others picked for her. But she didn't want to offend their kindness, so she just let the food pile up in her plate and ate the white rice in her bowl.

At this moment, a pair of chopsticks suddenly reached into her bowl and picked up a piece of tender beef. Lin Dang frowned.

When she looked up, she saw a familiar face. Okay, the frown on her face immediately disappeared.

The other hand moved the chopsticks and the tender beef in the bowl was immediately sent into her mouth.

There are exceptions to everything, and "Huo Wan" is one of them.


Huo Wan knew that they couldn't go on like this forever.

This layer of window paper would be punctured sooner or later, unless she was willing to give up the person she loved. As the two of them grew older, they would eventually face the difficult problem of marriage.

Even if she didn't want to, her family would urge her to do it.

So every year as she grew older, Huo Wan became more and more anxious.

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