Ch.20 A bunch of flirts

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Since moon basically revealed that she was a woman, she wore stuff that was girly, like dresses and skirts, showing her ecto body. Strangely, Ink has been trying to woo her by giving her flowers during every battle and saying stupid but cute pickup lines. Moon didn't want to be rude by denying them, so she kept the flowers til they wilted.

Eventually, blue started flirting with her by giving her chocolates with little notes on the back of the chocolate box.

And whenever she entered the original underfell, Red has been saying...perverted things to her. Moon felt uncomfortable whenever he did that, so she avoids going there.

At the moment, Moon is in outertale, looking at the stars, wearing a lavender sweater with jeans. She heard a portal open and looked behind her. It was Error, holding a bunch of freshly picked flowers.

He saw Moon, and ran over to her. He gave Moon the flowers.

"M-Moon, may you please go out with me?"

Error said with such shyness. Moon couldn't help but think it was cute. She smiled at Error and said,

"Of course I'll go on a date with you, Error! How about tommorow at 11 am? We could have the entire day to ourselves!"

Error blushed bright yellow. He smiled at his crush. "Yeah, that would be nice, I'll see you then!"

Moon smiled and gave Error a kiss on the cheekbone, then the two of them went their separate ways.

Sadly, however, Outer was watching them.


Outer Immeadietly went to the council to tell them the news that Error and Moon were going on a date. (Snitch) So, The council decided to spy on them, to see what they were like outside of causing chaos. Stretch and Fell(UF!Papyrus) were chosen to spy on them, they had a camera on their clothes to be used to spy on them.

Stretch decided to cross dress while fell wore a suit. They watched as Moon and Error were in a Overtale AU.


Error picked Julie up from her castle. She wore a cutesy lavender dress. Error took Julie to overtale, and they went to an amusements park first. Many stayed away from them due to their status, but the two of them simply did not care.

They went on rides, had cotton candy, and played games. The two of them had so much fun together. At the end of the day, they had a picnic under the stars.

Moon smiled at Error as she poured them some Fruit punch to drink. "I had so much fun, Error!" Moon said, hugging Error. Error sighed happily and hugged her back.

"Hey Moon, how about we play 20 questions to get to know each other better?" Error asked Moon. Moon agreed, and they played 20 questions.

E = Error
M = Moon

E: Favorite color?

M: Purple-like colors. Favorite food?

E: Chocolate. Best friend?

M: Killer...

And so, the council learned more about Moon, like her favorite food is Cherries, her favorite candy is chocolate, her favorite hobby is writing. She needs negativity to survive. She adopted Smudge, her daughter. She has the ability to travel to other multiverses, etc...

Error then dropped off Moon back at her au. But not before giving her a kiss on the mouth. The two of them said their goodbyes, and they went to their normal lives.

For the time being, Sci is still trying to figure out a way to remove the goop, to make Moon defenseless...

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