Ch. 4 first Mission

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"Alright guys," Moon says as she was talking to Killer and Horror. "I sense too much positivity, it's bad for the balance. So..." Moon placed down a bunch of papers. It had lists of aus. "Pick an au, and we'll cause negativity there."

After a couple of minutes of searching for an au, Horror decided to terrorize a echotale copy. Moon agreed, so did killer. Moon opened a portal to said AU.

They all landed into Hotland. "Whatever you do, do NOT harm the children, is that clear?" The boys nodded in understanding.

And so, chaos had started. Killer decided he wanted to be on TV, and attacked mettaton. This caused everyone who watched TV to panic, and Moon sucked the negativity all in.

Meanwhile, Moon kidnapped The Frisk of Echotale and tied her to a tree. This fills Frisk with fear. And lastly, Horror was fighting Echo!Sans. And echo lost due to the sheer strength of Horror and his Axe.

"Why are you doing this?!" Echo asked.

"Because boss said so," Horror said as he knocked echo out.

Meanwhile, Killer was know chasing undyne, who felt scared for the first time.

Moon sent a message of telekinesis to killer and Horror.

"Meet me in snowdin, we have enough negativity."

And so, Moon and her gang went back home.

Ink opened a portal to a Terrorised AU. "What the F**k..." Fire was everywhere, people were screaming. And he just caught a glimpse of a black goopy skeleton running away in a portal. It was Terror.

Immeadietly, Ink took out his phone and  called Dream.

"Hello?" "Dream...Terror was here, in an echotale copy," "I'm on my way," In less than a minute, Dream appeared. "What happened?" He asked Frisk as he untied them.

"We were 3 skeletons, then they fled..." "Did they kill anyone?" "Not that I know of..."

Dream sighed and turned to Ink. "All he did was attack, and if sounds like he has 2 minions working for him." Ink hummed. "It looks like we need more allies..."

Moon yawned. After a long day of work, it was time for some sleep. "Night boys," She said as she headed to her room.

Only to fall inside a portal that Horror was working on.


Moon fell and fell, until she landed. She looked around.

Dust was everywhere.

The new Guardian of NegativityHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin