Ch.19 "I can't talk right now, Im doin' hot girl shit,"

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Moon felt bored. She was doing duties as queen, and now had free time. Just what should she do?

Smudge then came into the room, she was just drawing with her uncle Killer a minute ago, she drew a picture of her and Moon.

"Mum! I drew a picture of you and me!"

Moon then got an idea. "Smudge, would you like to have a girls night out?"


And so, Moon was with smudge, heading over to a Spa in the omega timeline. She made sure to have a reservation, letting the people that worked their to use a special oil for smudge, because she can't be put in water. When she entered the omega timeliness, many people panicked and screamed. Smudge looked at them with annoyance.

"Mum, they're so loud!" "I know hun, but you'll have to ignore these idiots,"  "Okay..."

When she entered the spa, the workers looked nervous. Moon sighed. "I'm here for the ten o'clock appointment with my daughter?"

A male worker's eyes widen. "You're, a woman?!" He heard her feminine voice. The others eyes widen. Moon sighed once more.

"The judges of Justice assumed I was a man, just great..." Moon looked at the workers. "Did you get the special oil for my daughter? She'll need it instead of water due to being weak to water."

The workers' eyes widen in shock. The ki–QUEEN of negativity had a daughter?

Moon smiled at her daughter. "Are you ready for a girls time, Sweetie? You must be annoyed for being by all those boys."

Smudge puffed her cheeks. "You bet I am! Let's have some fun!" Smudge said, raising her hands up. Moon smiled. She then turned to the workers.

"Our spa robes?" "R-Right ma'am!" The Spa workers scrambled to get things ready.

The girls did everything, from mud baths to massages (Smudge didnt get one since shes not old enough to summon her ecto body). They also had face masks.

Suddenly, a door slammed open. Right in the middle or their jet bath/oil bath

"Terror! We know" That, was Ink, with blue and Dream. They basically saw Moon in her naked ecto body. (Smudge asked for her bath to be covered in leaves and flowers, so she won't feel exposed)

Silence, then, Moon screamed. "WHAT THE HECK, STAR SANSES?! CAN'T YOU SEE IM IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING HERE?" Moon screamed at them.

"And in front of my daughter too?! Do you have no respect people that need a break?!"

Blue and Ink blusher madly. However, Dream didn't. He just felt embarrassed.

"You're a girl?!" Dream finally managed to say.

"Of course I am a girl! I've always have been, you idiot! And can't we fight when I'm actually done and drop my daughter off at home?!"

"Why would we let a murderer get away?" Ink Finally got the courage to speak.

"Are you seriously going to take me away when me and my daughter are basically naked?"


"Then I suggest you go outside and wait til I drop my daughter off. Why can't I have time with my daughter?! I may be evil in your eyes, but I'm also a responsible parent, unlike Nim..."

Nim...that was mother's Terror, my bro–Sister?

"...Nightmare?" Dream said.

"...Don't call me that. If you're gonna call me a name, call me Moon. I do not go by Nightmare. It's too edgy."

"Now get out, I'm trying to have some time with my daughter."

Tears filled Dream's eyesockets. It was nightmare...just, diffrent.

"Let's go," "But dream! We're so close to get your bro–" "Sister, Ink, now let's go. She didn't do anything so far."

Ink sighed, and the three of them left.

"...Well, that was hectic. Anyway, as I was saying."

The mother and daughter duo had fun, going to a fancy restaurant, doing karaoke, and cooking. At the end of the day, Julie opened a portal, and the duo headed home.


Dream immediately called a meeting about Moon, telling the new information. Many were shocked that Moon was a woman, and more were shocked that she had a kid.

Red then spoke. "Who would want to f*** her?" Blue and Ink blushed brightly.

Dream turned to them and glared. Everyone else just stared. "Ink..."

"Well, I mean, she had a nice ecto...I MEAN–"


Red looked shocked. Then smirked. "I'm listening~"

Blue then spoke. "I gotta admit, I would love to be crushed by her thighs..."


Stretch looked shocked that his brother would say such a perverted thing.

"I should've took a picture... her ecto was so space-like–"

"THAT'S IT!" Dream tackled ink to the ground and punched him. A bunch of people had to pull Dream off.

"Can you not say that, like, AT ALL?! THAT'S MY SISTER YOUR TALKING ABOUT!"

"Damn, I should've been there..."


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