Moon Headcannons

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Moon was previously called Julie, which is my nickname. She committed suicide due to losing her baby sister in an accident. She then woke up and was scared and confused. She saw Dream, and Dream attacked her, due to being covered in tar, calling her nightmare and asking what has 'he' done.  Julie was basically getting beaten up before she opened a portal and ended up in Killertale, where she recruited killer first and made Killertale her new home. She then recruited Dust, Horror, and finally Cross.  She will met Error later on. Since she came from the "Creator multiverse" AKA IRL universe Where creators create AUs, she has the ability to create, but she only does this to make Killertale bigger. She tends to take in people from other AUs before Error destroys the AU. This is based on a book I read with Error being a child and heir to Nightmare's throne. She doesn't kill and is a pacifist, but she will fight if necessary.  Because she saves people and places them in Killertale to give them shelter, she is known as their queen. Although she doesn't do much. 

Also, Moon can change her goop color to lavender and even remove it to disguise herself when going out. While in her goopy form, she still has a busty chest and she wears long pants to cover her legs, she tends to wear a black sweater in her goopy form. But in her 'Passive' form, she is a white skeleton with black lashes, lavender eyelights and wears a lavender sweater dress in that form. She also cant unsummon her ecto body, so she stays having thick legs and a busty chest.

Moon tries her best to tell Dream that she isn't Nightmare, but Dream ignores her. Moon is also afraid to tell him that Her soul replaced Nightmare's soul as soon as he ate all those apples. She wants to make things right with Dream, she really does, but Dream is just so stubborn.

In moon's free time, she watches the little one in her kingdom, she created a daycare and usually the toriels' watch if when moon isn't around. Keep in mind that moon has a HUGE soft spot for children and babies. She wouldn't dare to hurt one. Also, keep in mind that i might have a nightmare shipkid become created, it depends on which one you guys like.

Also, should I give moon a harem? Or should i just ship her with one person, or not at all?


nah, just one.

Keep her lonely and single.

Pick one only guys. I'll see you all soon, the 1st chapter is still in progress...

Seee you soon, guys!

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