Ch.13 Beach Day and Fresh

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Today was a very hot day, it even made moon's goop melt off of her, so she had to be in her purity form. "Man, it's so hot out…" Moon said out loud. I wish we could find a place to cool off…

Suddenly, Cross came into the room, looking excited. "Moon, me and the guys are gonna go to the beach! Wanna come?" Now this caught Moon's attention.

"Sure, lemme grab my swimsuit and we'll head out!" Cross nodded and left the room. Moon packed some items as well as her lavender swimsuit. She put her items in a bag and headed to the living room.

Turns out, Error was coming with them. He had a bag full of stuff for the beach that he stole.

"Alright, boys, are you ready?" Moon called out as she walked into the loving room. She was wearing a pink sundress with a sun hat. She looked very cute.

Dust nodded. "Yeah, we got our stuff, Horror prepared the food."

Moon hummed. She loved Horror's cooking, it was the best. "Alright, let's head out, the beach isn't that far away, we'll be able to walk there."

And so, the 6 of them [Moon, Killer, Dust, Horror, Cross and Error] headed for the beach, once they got there, they set up the beach towel and umbrella. They then went into the changing rooms to change.

Moon was the first to come out, wearing a black swimsuit with her lavender ecto body.

Moon was the first to come out, wearing a black swimsuit with her lavender ecto body

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(I did my best. I know it's not the greatest, but I tried)

Eventually, everyone finished getting dressed. Most of the boys wore swim trunks, but dust decided to switch things up and wear a surfing swimsuit, it covered his whole body.

The boys got into the water and played Marco polo, while Moon decided to build a sand castle. She collected seashells and sticks, aswell as seaweed and created a bucket to put the sand in. She mixed some water In the bucket, and got to work

The sans castle turned put to be pretty well, she made little doors and windows for it.

Suddenly, a shadow encased her. Moon thought it was Horror standing over her, but when she looked up, she was surprised to see...

"Fresh!Sans?" Moon Said aloud. Fresh smiled at Moon. "Heya, Julie!" Moon smiled back. "Please, call me Moon, it's my new name after all,"

(Note: Fresh now about Moon being a creator and higher being than the deities themselves. He sensed it from her. And moon knows tgat fresh nows, why? Thats a secret!)

Fresh nodded in understanding. "I assume that you wandered about and saw this edited AU?" Fresh nodded once more. "Yeah, I'm looking for a new host."

"I see, how about I make you one? I can create things after all!" Fresh looked excited. "That would be amazing, dudette!" And so, Moon snapped her fingers and a pencil and sketchbook were in her hands. She then got to drawing.

When she finished, she kissed the photo, and poof! There was a Skeleton, without a soul or spirit. Fresh got out of the old host, who Immeadietly dusted afterwards, and got into the new one, the clothes change, and so did the skeletons height.

Fresh stretched and checked himself out. "Wow, you outdid yourself this time! It's perfect, thanks moon!" Fresh said, smiling brightly. He put on his shades, and his look was complete, he looked fresher than ever.

 He put on his shades, and his look was complete, he looked fresher than ever

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Moon smiled, then got an idea. "Hiw about you hang out with us? The more the merrier!" Fresh agreeded, and everyone hung out, Fresh teasing Error, Moon teaching cross how to draw things, and Killer, dust, and Horror playing limbo.

Yes, today was a good day.

Meanwhile, the Judges of Justice decided to have another meeting. "Alright, we couldn't take down error due to Terror," Ink said. Everyone groaned. "So I asked Sci to look for a way to permanently remove the goop off of Terror,"

Everyone turned to Sci. "Yeah, I'm figuring out a way to remove the corrupted from off of Terror and get Dream's brother back. If we succeed, we'll be able to have another ally and one less enemy."

Dream teared up, he was going to get his brother back...

Or so he thought...

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