Ch. 3 Saving Horrortale

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2 weeks later, Moon thought of a plan. She was going to horrortale to save the people of it, and bring them to her new AU, she renamed the AU to Hopetale.

Moon opened a portal, told Killer that she'll be back, and left. She landed into snowdin, near the town in fact. She walked around. She saw some monsters, they were starving. So, being the overly kind person She was, she walked over to the bunny and ice cap monsters.

"Hi there," she said to them, but they just glared. "Would you like something to eat?" The two of them looked shocked. Moon took out her sketchbook and quickly drew some meat. She kissed it, and piles of cooked meat appeared. The monsters went wide-eyed. They looked at moon. Moon nodded, and they ate to their hearts content.

After they ate, piles of meat were still there. Moon gave then some more for their families and put the rest in her inventory. She said goodbye and told them to spread the word about someone offering food.

Moon gave meat to whoever she came across, and the said people called her an angel from above. Moon just smiled. Eventually she made it to snowdin, and went inside grillbys.

The people inside glared, some drooled. Someone then bit her tendril. She yelped, and looked to see who did it. It was a child. A dog monster child. Moon's face softened. She took out an apple and gave it to the child, whose eyes shone. "Thank you miss!" The boy said. Moon smiled. "Your welcome dear…" The boy then went outside.

The other monsters stood up, and circled around her. "Where did you get that food?" "She probably has more, let's get her!" "Now, now, calm down, I have enough food for everyone!" Everyone was shocked. Moon took out the meat. Everyone dug in. Moon then walked over to grillby.

"Hello, your grillby, am I right?" Grillby nodded. "Can we, talk? I have an Idea. You see, I came from a land far away, another universe you could say, and I have heard about how the people underground are starving, and since I can make food, why not help you all out? I would like you to help spread the word to everyone but the ruler, and I want everyone to have a feast!"

"We can help!" Moon turned to the now full monsters. "We can spread the word about the so called feast! And some could help with the cooking!" Moon smiled. "Alright! The more the merrier!"

And so, Moon got to sketching, and the others git to cooking. They made all sorts of food thanks to Moon sketching all the ingredients. More and more people came to help. Eventually, all of the underground came to snowdin and helped cooked.

1 hour later, the food was done, and everyone ate. They all chatted and were happy, a feeling they haven't felt in forever. Moon walked around, handing food over to people. She then made it to a familiar house with a light on.

It was the skelebros house. She knocked on the door with two plates of food in her hands (she knocked using a tendril) the door opened, and there was the Papyrus. Moon smiled. "Hello there! We're having a feast! And I brought some food! Would you like some?" Papyrus' jaw dropped. "R-really? Thank you!" He took the plates of food and called for his brother. His brother came downstairs. He has a big red eyelight and a huge hole in his skull.

"Brother look! This fellow person brought us some food! And there's more food!" The sans looked shocked. Papyrus turned to moon. "What's your name miss?" Moon smiled. "You can call me moon, dear," Papyrus smiled! "I am the great Papyrus! And this is my brother Sans!" Sans was still shocked. "How about we all go outside, everyone is waiting!"

And so, the skelebros were very happy that they ate with their hearts content! Moon chatted with some monsters about how she came from another universe, and that it took her a while to get here due to not knowing how to make portals. Everyone was great full to moon and called her an angel. Moon blushed at those words.

But all good things have to come to an end.

Undyne, the queen appeared. She had the royal guard with her, she ordered the guards to take the food away. But Moon wasn't having it. She punched a guard, causing Undyne to go angry.

Of course, she attacked. But moon dodged. "It is quite cruel of you to take food away from your people, what kind of a ruler are you?" "The kind that gets what she wants, no matter what!" And undyne charged. However, moon used her tendrils to restrain her, and sap away her Magic. Undyne felt weak.

"What...are you?" Moon glared. "YOU, may call me Terror." Moon then threw undyne to a wall. She passed out.

All was silent, before everyone cheered.

"That beast is down!"

"She really is an angel!"

"We're free!"

Moon smiled softly at everyone. "Everyone, would you like to come to my au?"

All was silent once more.

"In my world, food never runs out, you can grow crops yourselves, and can live peacefully."

The people were unsure, but then agreed.

"We'll be able to live in peace again!"

"No more attacking one another!"

"And the food!"

And so, moon opened a giant portal, and everyone entered. Many monsters gasped seeing the sun. Moon helped them get back on their feet and created homes for them.

All was good, but then....

Ink entered horrortale, only to see it was practically empty...

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