Ch. 16 We're friends, after all

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Cross and Moon were on another mission to spread negativity. Cross proceeded to use his powers to scare the people and spread negativity.

Meanwhile, Moon used this new tactic called black clouds, she summoned clouds filled with negativity and used it to make people feel depressed and sad. However, it didn't affect the people she loved and cared for, such as Cross.

Cross was attacking other people, but not to the point where they were going to die, just that they know who has the power in the area.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his back. He was stabbed. Cross fell to the ground.

Moon immediately noticed and ran over to him, picked him up, opened a portal, and gently set him down on the ground on the other side of the portal.

Moon looked over to the person who stabbed him, it was an Undyne. Immeadietly she stabbed her on the leg, not killing her, but making sure she will never walk again.

"No one, and I mean NO ONE, touches my boys and gets away with it." Moon said. And so, she started cracking the undyne's legs apart.


Cross woke up on a soft bed. The bed looks like one of the hospital beds in the infirmary. Next to him, he saw Moon on a chair, sleeping. She had something in her hand. It was a get well soon card.

Cross blushed. Moon truly did care about him. He had his doubts, due to being abandoned before. He gently shook Moon's shoulder.

"Moon, wake up." He said to her gently. Moon opened her eyesockets and saw Cross. Immediately, Moon went to hug him. "Cross! You're okay!" She said with tears. Cross hugged her back.

"I'm ok, Moon, I'm ok..." Cross said. Moon started to cry. "Oh, cross, I was so worried about you." Moon Says through tears.

"Why do you care so much?" Cross asked. "Huh?" "Aren't you just gonna abandon me in the end? Everyone else did..."

Moon cups Cross' cheekbones. "Cross, unlike everyone else, me and the boys care about you, we consider you someone irreplaceable. We're not gonna leave you, ever."

Cross teared up, then cried in Moon's arms. "Moon..." he said through tears.

Moon held Cross close. After all...

They are friends, and friends never abandon each other.

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